SCP15: KEI statement on Exclusions from Patentable Subject Matter and Exceptions and Limitations to the Rights

KEI statement on Exclusions from Patentable Subject Matter and Exceptions and Limitations to the Rights
SCP 15
13 October 2010

Thank you Mr. Chair.

We take note of Professor Coenraad Visser’s study which examined ‘Selected Case Studies of Countries Where Compulsory Licences Have Been Granted for Pharmaceuticals’.

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KEI general statement to the 15th Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

SCP 15
General Statement of Knowledge Ecology International
12 October 2010

Thank you Mr. Chair, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and the vice-chairs upon your re-election.

1. Knowledge Ecology International welcomes the reports by experts, thanks the Secretariat for its work on this topic.

As a general matter, KEI suggests the WIPO Secretariat provide standardized disclosure of the professional consulting that various experts do, as is the practice for other UN bodies and some academic journals.

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