Statement of Brazil to the 48th General Assembly of WIPO, September 2010

The Permanent Representative of Brazil, Roberto Azevedo, delivered the following statement to the 48th session of the WIPO General Assembly. The intervention was delivered in Portuguese; below is the English translation.



Statement Delivered by the Permanent Representative of Brazil, Ambassador Roberto Azevedo

Mr. Chairman,

Let me start by congratulating you on the excellent job you have been doing in conducting the work of WIPO’s General Assembly.

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Your tax dollars at work. Obama administration funding of pro-right holder NGO work on IPR protection, fy 2009

USPTO’s $4 million of Congressionally Mandated Spending on intellectual property initiatives, for fy 2009

This is the USPTO list of grants for fy 2009. The $4 million in grants were used to influence global norms on IPR policy.

A new round of grants will go out soon for fy 2010, involving another $4 million of Congressionally Mandated Spending on Intellectual Property Initiatives (IPI).

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ACTA and Part III of TRIPS Compared by Frequency of Terms

ACTA is basically a re-write of Part III of the TRIPS, which is the part dealing with the enforcement of intellectual property rights. How do Part III of the TRIPS and ACTA compare in terms of the frequency of terms? Using the August 25, 2010 text, which includes in some cases duplication where there are competing versions of the text, the comparison now looks like this:

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Gary Locke and Microsoft

The U.S. Department of Commerce has been given a high profile role in intellectual property policies in the Obama Administration. The Department is headed by Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke. Locke is the best known as the former two term governor of the State of Washington. After leaving the government, he has also been a lawyer and consultant, including to Microsoft. Here are a few data points on that relationship.

Terms Part III of TRIPS ACTA
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WIPO Scoping Study on Copyright and Related Rights and the Public Domain (released May 2010)

On 7 May 2010 the WIPO Secretariat published a paper entitled “WIPO Scoping Study on Copyright and Related Rights and the Public Domain” prepared by Professor Séverine Dusollier (Professor, University of Namur, Belgium). This study was produced as an output of the WIPO Committee on Development and Intellectual Property’s (CDIP) thematic project on intellectual property and the public domain which is predicated upon Recommendations 16 and 20 of the Development Agenda.

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