U.S. Department of State cables regarding Brazil and pharmaceutical patents and prices – 1986-1987


Beginning in 1985, the United States government (USG) diplomatic and trade officials have engaged in wide ranging activities aimed at changing global norms for the protection of intellectual property rights, with a particular emphasis on the IPR protections for pharmaceutical products.

This note reports on U.S. Department of State cables sent in 1986 and 1987, that discussed the U.S. government efforts to change policies in Brazil on the intellectual property protection for pharmaceutical products. The cables have been obtained by KEI with a FOIA request.

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Agenda of 10th Round ACTA negotiations, August 16-20, Washington DC

USTR will host the next round of ACTA negotiations that will take place all of next week, August 16-20, in Washington DC. According to USTR yesterday, the negotiators “expect to cover all issues” and the agenda would be made available in a day or so.

Here is a proposed agenda that we have obtained from another source.

10th Round of Negotiations
August 16th-20th, 2010, Washington, DC

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ACTA’s Washington DC conclave: Is this Round 10?

According to an informed source, USTR intimated that next week’s ACTA meeting in Washington DC will be attended by all the negotiating parties and that discussions would include all issues under consideration in ACTA. We are still awaiting a response from USTR regarding the attendees, scope and purpose of the meeting but this new information seems to be indicative of nothing short of the next ACTA round.

Earlier, US government officials had informed that the an intersessional meeting would be held the week of 16 August in Washington DC.
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WHO releases names of experts and advisor to the Emergency Committee concerning Influenza Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

WHO has released the ‘List of Members of, and Advisor to, the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee concerning Influenza Pandemic (H1N1) 2009‘ at the following site: http://www.who.int/ihr/emerg_comm_members_2009/en/. Of the 15 members and one advisor, 6 had declaration of interests. On this matter, WHO had the following statement:

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Written submission U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Hearing on Treating Rare and Neglected Pediatric Diseases: Promoting the Development of New Treatments and Cures

Written submission U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Hearing on Treating Rare and Neglected Pediatric Diseases: Promoting the Development of New Treatments and Cures, On the topic of Direct funding, subsidies and incentives for the development… Continue Reading

Summary Report of WIPO’s expert group deliberations on a sui generis legal regime to protect folklore

WIPO’s First Intersessional Working Group (IWG 1) concluded its five days of deliberations on Friday, 23 July 2010 substantially closer to its goal of establishing a sui generis legal regime for the protection of traditional cultural expressions/expressions of folklore. On Friday, the WIPO secretariat distributed a summary report of the first IWG (attached below). Continue Reading
