Dec 9, 2009 Wikileaks documents related to the WHO EWG

On December 9, 2009, Wikileaks posted five sensitive documents related to the WHO Expert Working Group (EWG) on R&D Financing:

  • a non-public draft report of the WHO EWG
  • a non-public Comparative Analysis done by the EWG
  • the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA) Overview of the EWG Comparative Analysis
  • an IFPMA summary slide on the EWG Draft Report
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    Bolivian statement to EB 126 (Jan 2010) on public health, innovation and intellectual property

    This is the statement that the Government of Bolivia delivered on January 19, 2010 at the 126th session of the WHO Executive Board public health, innovation and intellectual property including their views on the EWG process and the Executive Summary of the WHO Expert Working Group on R&D Financing.

    The heart of Bolivia’s intervention is encapsulated in the penultimate paragraph of their intervention.

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    World Health Organization (WHO) to hold consultation on report of Expert Working Group on R&D financing

    At the end of a dramatic debate that began yesterday, the Executive Board (EB) of the World Health Organization (WHO) agreed to hold a special consultation on the report of the WHO Expert Working Group (EWG) on R&D Financing. A face-to-face meeting will be held on May 13, a few days before the 63rd WHA begins on 17 May. There will also be opportunities for web submissions on the EWG report. In addition, Dr. Continue Reading


    Open Letter to the WHO EB from Cecilia López Montaño, EWG member

    The following is a letter sent by Cecilia López Montaño, a member of the WHO Expert Working Group on R&D Financing to the WHO Executive Board:

    Bogotá. Colombia. January 15th 2010

    Dear members of the Executive Board:

    I am Cecilia López Montaño, senator of the Colombian Congress and member of the Expert Working Group on Research and Development Financing of the World Health Organization, in representation of the point of view of developing countries, I assume.

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    Final Report of the WHO Expert Working on R&D Financing published on Friday, January 15, 2010

    At the proverbial 11th hour today, the World Health Organization published the final report of the “World Health Organization Expert Working Group on Research and Development Financing” in English three days before the commencement of the 126th session of the WHO Executive Board on January 18, 2010. At this juncture, it does not appear that the WHO Secretariat has made available official versions of this Report in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish for Member States’ consideration.

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    A closer look at the WHO EWG endorsed proposals on funding product development partnerships

    The World Health Organization’s Expert Working Group on R&D Financing spent scant attention on how to raise money, but showed considerable interest in how to spend it. The clear favorite approach is to give grants to product development partnerships — the approach that has now become the most conventional approach, and one not surprisingly endorsed by the PDPs themselves, and also by the Gates Foundation and the IFPMA — two groups that are often seen as devoted to protecting the status quo in terms of intellectual property and business models for innovation.

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    The baffling WHO EWG analysis of innovation inducement prizes

    The World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board will soon consider the Executive Summary of the Report of the Expert Working Group on Research and Development Financing, a document, formally identified as EB 126/6 Add.1.

    In the section of the report on “Funding allocation proposals,” the EWG considers two types of innovation inducement prizes, including

    31 (c) milestone prizes; and
    31 (d) end-prizes (cash)

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