Group B efforts to block discussion of treaty

Group B has offered amendments to a proposed conclusion for the WIPO SCCR 18 meeting. The amendments are designed to eliminate any agreement to discuss a treaty for blind and reading disabled persons at the next meeting of the SCCR. The United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Norway, the Holy See (the Vatican), the members of the European Union and other high income countries have joined in this statement. Later the EU offered an even blunter opposition to the treaty proposals. I have blogged about our disappointment in the Obama Administration on the Huffington Post here.

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Draft conclusions on Protection of broadcasting organizations

And these are the draft conclusions on the casting treaty. And a date for the next SCCR which might be changed because it is the same date as a WTO meeting in Geneva.

Protection of broadcasting organizations

16. The committee expressed its appreciation for the information session on developments in broadcasting which focused on concerns of developing and least developed countries

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Draft conclusions re Audiovisual Performances

These are the draft conclusions regarding the audiovisual performances. The delegates had very few comments, so what you see here is more or less what the final paper will look like.

Protection of audiovisual performances

11. The Committee expressed its appreciation for the seminars organized by the Se. and encouraged the Sec to continue that activity

12. The Committee reaffirmed its commitment to work on developing the international protection of performances in audiovisual media.

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DRAFT conclusions by the Chair re Limitations and Exceptions at SCCR18

These are the draft conclusions distributed by the chair regarding item 5 of the agenda (i.e. limitations and exceptions). The paper was distributed before the lunch break (1-3pm). The delegates are consulting on it and will come back at 3pm. The final text will be modified of course but this is a good start.

SCCR 18 DRAFT CONCLUSIONS OF THE SSCR prepared by the chair
Limitations and exceptions

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KEI Statement at SCCR 18, May 27, 2009

Congratulations on your record setting re-election as chairman of the SCCR, and for your excellent guidance this week.

With regard to the draft questionnaire, KEI suggests it be expanded to address exceptions found in Article 44 of the TRIPS, regarding alternatives to injunctions.

KEI supports the proposal by Brazil, Ecuador and Paraguay for a treaty for reading disabled persons, which is correctly inclusive in terms of disabilities covered.

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Daily Calendar for Ambassador Ron Kirk, March 20 to May 1, 2009

Using the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), KEI has obtained the daily schedule of Ambassador Kirk, from March 20 to May 1, 2009. KEI has separately asked the USTR to routinely as a matter of transparency post this information on the USTR web page.

The response to the follow is presented below in two pdf files:
March 20 to April 14, 2009
April 15 to May 1, 2009

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