Minimum TRIPS Terms of Protection for Copyright and Related Rights

KEI has a page that summarizes the minimum terms of protection for copyright and related rights in multilateral treaties. The most binding constraints are those included in the WTO TRIPS Agreement. Those constraints are as follows:

Most literary and artistic works protected by copyright under the Berne would have a minimum copyright term calculated on the basis of the life of the author plus 50 years.

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Kindle 2 vs Reading Disabled Students

Update #2, 15 May: Yesterday, Random House began to disable TTS on books in the Kindle store, which is our primary concern. However, it appears that early reports from the Amazon message boards of remote disabling may have been inaccurate; there have been no confirmed reports of TTS being remotely disabled, and we apologize for any confusion. However, the technology to remotely disable these works does exist, and this remains a significant concern.

Two major points to bear in mind as this story progresses:

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Prizes and Grants, Type I, II and III diseases, rich and poor countries, open and closed medicine development

In efforts to introduce the topic of innovation inducement prizes into the discussions about drug development, there are inevitably questions about the relationship between grants and prizes.

In some cases, prizes are being offered as a reform of “pull” mechanisms, and can usefully be compared to the grant of a marketing monopoly, which is the primary pull mechanism used today. In this context, a question is, should drug or vaccine developers be rewarded with monopolies or cash? And if cash, where does the money come from, and how much money is given to a particular project?

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India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Egypt: Consolidated proposals for Chair’s Summary

May 8, 2009

The following text was submitted by the Like-Minded Group (India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Egypt) on Friday, 8 May 2009, for consideration by the PCT Working Group. It is a best endeavor to consolidate the four proposals made yesterday by the African Group, Group B, GRULAC and the aforementioned like-minded Group.


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Proposal of Group B for Recommendation to the PCT Assembly

Proposal of Group B for Recommendation to the Assembly

The Working Group of the PCT recognizes the willingness of all Contracting Parties to commit to developing the PCT in order to meet the needs of all applicants, Offices, third parties and the general public. Following its discussion of the roadmap presented in the document PCT/WG/2/3, the PCT Working Group makes the following recommendations to the Assembly.

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India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Egypt: Inputs for chair’s summary proposed

India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, South Africa and Egypt have just provided inputs for the Chair’s (Canada, Alan Troicuk, Senior Counsel, Canadian Intellectual Property Office), Summary of the Working Group of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The Philippines made the intervention on behalf of the group of like minded countries.

Inputs for chair’s summary proposed by group of like minded countries

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GRULAC recommendations to Working Group to the PCT Assembly

Today is day four of the second session of the International Patent Cooperation Union (PCT) Working Group of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) taking place at WIPO. Here below are the suggestions of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Member States (GRULAC) would like to be incorporated into the recommendation of the Working Group to the PCT Assembly.The Members of GRULAC that are contracting-parties to the PCT Treaty suggest the addition of the following elements into the recommendation of the Working Group to the PCT Assembly.

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