BMZ funded UNCTAD Thailand meeting on IPR, medicines

UNCTAD head Supachai Panitchpakdi will open up this December 16-19 event in Bangkok. The meeting is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany.

Programme Events

Event: Symposium on Flexibilities in International Intellectual Property Rules and Local Production of Medicines
Date: 16–19 December 2008

Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Venue: Conference Room of Arnoma Hotel

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Impact of the HIF on generic industry in developing countries

This is an exchange from the ip-health list, that will be updated as the conversation continues, about the impact of the HIF on the generic drug industry developing countries.

—– Original Message —–
From: “James Love”
To: “Ip-health”

Cc: “Thomas Pogge” “Aidan Hollis”
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:15 PM
Subject: impact of the HIF on generic industry in developing countries

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From Bamako: WHO strategy on research for health

The Global Ministerial Forum on Research for Health is meeting in Bamako, Mali from November 17-19, 2008. This Ministerial is organized by the Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), Global Forum for Health Research, the Republic of Mali, the United Nations Cultural, Scientific and Educational Organization (UNESCO), the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), and coordinated by the Bamako 2008 Secretariat.

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The Health Impact Fund and product monopolies

KEI will later issue a more detailed comment on the Health Impact Fund. One of the key issues that will be addressed is the way that Hollis and Pogge propose turning the prize fund proposals that are based upon open licensing of patents into something that reinforces the monopoly supply chain.

We understand that one motivation for doing this was to attract support from some large pharmaceutical companies, and the European governments that protect them.

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KEI reaction to composition of WHO Expert Working Group on R&D financing

WHO has announced the names for the Expert Working Group on R&D financing

We don’t know everyone on the list, but for the people that we do know, we are generally impressed. The WHO seems to have created a body with considerable expertise and reputation, and included people who will consider new ideas. This seems like a very good start.

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