The politics of group B and the WIPO Broadcasting treaty

While some of the news reports have focused on north/south disputes over limitations and exceptions to rights in the WIPO Broadcasting treaty, there is a also a growing divide between North America (US and Canada) on the one hand, and Europe and Japan, on the other, over the nature of the rights in the treaty. The EU position (followed by Japan), which is being pushed by the very non-neutral Finish chair, is for Rome+ rights, to reward investment, not creativity. Continue Reading


The Casting treaty? No, It’s not really dead yet

Friday June 22 1 pm

The following is circulating right now:

Draft conclusions of the Second Special Session of the SCCR on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations
Prepared by the Chair

The Committee made the following recommendation:
The Director General
-convenes a session for joint analysis of notions, terms and conceptual basis of the instrument

The General Assembly

-decides that a Third Special Session of the SCCR be convened in November/December 2007

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Jukka and Keplinger want 2 meetings in 2007, Dipcom in 2008

The Draft conclusions by the Chair are out , and wow, what brass. Jukka is recommending that:

  • Idris as DG convenes a meeting in Sept 2007 for ” joint analysis of notions, terms and conceptual basis of the instrument.
  • The GA sets a SCCR for November/December 2007,
  • A dipcom be held in 2008.
  • It would even appear that webcasting is possibly back in.

    This is discussed at 2pm. It is all quite surreal.

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“a tough but commendable decision”

They go into session today at 10am to discuss how to report the week’s events to the WIPO General Assembly, so officially, nothing is decided yet, but it appears as though WIPO will not be approving a diplomatic conference. Jukka Liedes, who has apparently chaired the WIPO copyright committee for all but two days over a twenty year period, may try to find a way to keep this alive, but many delegates are determined to move on to something else. Continue Reading
