Jukka’s definition of a signal

In the new June 21 text of the non paper they have just handed out, the Chair has proposed a definition of a signal, finally. It is take from the Brussels Convention, and reads as follows:

( ) “signal” means an electronically-generated carrier capable of transmitting programs;

This is from Article 1 of the Brussels Convention, which reads:

(i) “signal” is an electronically–generated carrier capable of transmitting programmes;

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In Russian, NGO opposition to the WIPO broadcast treaty

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US del clarifies (sort of) position on “by any means”

This is technical. The United States delegation says

“US did oppose deletion of “by any means” so that simultaneous retransmission of traditional broadcasts on the internet is covered…..but we never spoke on deferred retransmissions last night.”

However, in the texts that have been made public, the “by any means” applies to both cases. The negotiations are now being held in secret.

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Rechazo al Tratado de Radiodifusión de la OMPI – Declaración conjunta de organizaciones no gubernamentales

Invitamos a los delegados de la OMPI a que rechacen la propuesta de Tratado de Radiodifusión en la OMPI.

Después de más que 9 años de discusiones, los esfuerzos para buscar una formulación del tratado que se ocupe de la piratería de las señales de radiodifusión, pero que no dañe a los titulares de derechos de autor y a los usuarios legítimos de emisiones, han fracasado.

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What can we do about the Casters’ Treaty? Pray?

Maybe by now you’ve read the Joint NGO Statement?

Joint NGO Statement: Reject the WIPO Broadcast Treaty

We call upon WIPO delegates to reject the proposed WIPO Broadcast

It’s printed on yellow paper and looks like a REAL NGO flyer opposing a treaty that in fact everyone here (except the broadcasters) cannot stand. Delegates come to me to complain that no one likes it but no one seems to dare tell!

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