Some links

Databases Delinkage Enforcement and Remedies to Infringement Events General Access to Knowledge Issues Government Funded Inventions Hepatitis Nuclear Proliferation Patent Policy Prizes to stimulate innovation Publications and Research Notes Timelines WTO LDC patent waiver Transparency Judge rejects USTR claim that… Continue Reading


Posted August 27, 2011 These are some tools for searching the US Department of State cables released by Wikileaks. A Wikileaks page on the cables is available here: KEI recommends this site for searching the cables by key words:… Continue Reading

Africa, compulsory licensing

To be added, the early CLs on HIV drugs in several African countries. South Africa 2013 2003: CPTech’s 2003 reports for the RSA Competition Commission, in Hazel Tau et al.v GSK, Boehringer, et al. CPTech was the consultant to the… Continue Reading

Asia, compulsory licensing

India 2010 2010: India’s intervention to the WTO TRIPS Council: TRIPS plus enforcement trends, 2010-06-10 2011 2011: Karl De Gucht writes Andris Piebalgs on topic of European Union IPR demands on India and other developing countries, 2011-05-28 2011: WTO TRIPS… Continue Reading

Latin America, compulsory licensing

Brazil 1990-2000 Comments for the Working Group On Intellectual Property Rights, Third Trade Ministerial and Americas Business Forum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, May 13-16,1997, 1997-05-16 2005 U.S. DoS Cable: U.S. PHARMA FIRMS THREATENED WITH LICENSING (Brazil), June 3, 2005. U.S. DoS… Continue Reading

Europe, compulsory licensing

EU For an earlier survey, see: 2014:1 KEI Research Note: Recent European Union Compulsory Licenses. 2014-03-01 DG-Enterprise – data exclusivity prevents access to life saving drugs (in the EU), even in an emergency situation, 2012-07-31 Germany German Court Issues Compulsory… Continue Reading

PhRMA and BIO request EU be added to USTR Watch List over review of incentives

PhRMA and BIO have both requested that the US Trade Representative place the European Union on its watch list in the 2018 Special 301 Report. The Special 301 Report is a yearly review by the US Trade Representative of the… Continue Reading

PhRMA’s 2018 Special 301 Submission targets Australia, Canada, S. Korea, Japan & others over pricing, reimbursement policies

In its 2018 Special 301 submission, PhRMA targets a number of countries for pricing and reimbursement policies deemed hostile to the pharmaceutical industry. Among these, PhRMA strategically lobbies for the strongest classifications for Canada and Korea — countries dealing with… Continue Reading

Negotiations on R&D funding agreements

1994 1994: Pharmaceutical Drugs, Intellectual Property Rights and Public Health: A Consumer Perspective from the United States, May 12. A discussion of how R&D mandates can ensure innovation does not suffer when prices lowering policies are embraced. 1996 1996: Comments… Continue Reading

Copyright and Related Rights

We have a lot of information on copyright issues,some reported in the blogs about trade negotiations like TPP, ACTA and NAFTA, RCEP or the WIPO SCCR negotiations. In addition to having separate pages on several of the trade negotiations, we… Continue Reading