SCCR 34 NGOs on Limitations and Exceptions for libraries and archives

May 3, 2017 AM Session. SCCR 34 Limitations and Exceptions for libraries and archives

NGOs statements

IFLA presented its proposal for future work:

  • a draft model law
  • an updated searchable database of exceptions and limitations for libraries, archives and museums
  • a study on issues related to limitations and exceptions for libraries, archives and museums and a cross-border context including digital uses.

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SCCR 34 May 2, 2017 Short update

Just like since yesterday afternoon, the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights has convened in informal. Some members of delegations and NGOs are staying in the main room and are listening to the discussions but cannot participate nor report on anything that is being said.

It is frustrating of course but it looks as if it will be the “new process of negotiation” for the time being. As one person said to me “secret negotiations regarding broadcasting, cablecasting and webcasting at WIPO? what could go wrong?”

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SCCR34 Statements regarding the Broadcasting Treaty


The treaty on broadcasting organizations is a high priority for the European Union and its Member States. We are strongly committed to advancing work on the various work of the previous sessions. We look forward to discussing the issues set out wherein.
We hope that further progress can be made on the basis of the revised consolidated text, on the rights to be granted and other issues that has been prepared nor this session.

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General Statements by Regional Groups regarding the Agenda of SCCR 34


COLOMBIA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The delegation of Colombia has the honor of making this declaration on behalf of the group of Latin America and Caribbean countries. We congratulate you on the chairmanship of this important committee and we congratulate your new vice chairs.

We remember the important work of the previous chair and vice chairs. We would like to thank the Secretariat for preparation and organization of this session and also for publication of the documents for our consideration.

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WIPO SCCR 34 May 1, 2017 Day 1: Agenda and Election of New Chair and Vice Chairs

The DG, Franci Gurry, started the SCCR meeting with a summary of the issues to be discussed, some old (Broadcasting treaty, Limitations and Exceptions for libraries, archives, museum and education and for people with other disabilities) some new or “exploratory” (GRULAC proposal on copyright and digital works and resale rights):

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Notes on 2017 Special 301 Submissions

Wednesday, March 8, 2017, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) will hold the first Special 301 Hearing of the Trump administration. This year, USTR received 63 submissions in advance fo the hearing from governments, civil society organizations, and industry groups.

This blog post pulls out interesting selections from the various submissions, and includes as attachments the submissions of selected organizations.
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KEI Comments filed in 2017 USTR Special 301 Review

On February 9, 2017, KEI filed written comments to the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s Special 301 Review process.

The Special 301 Review is an annual process carried out by the USTR to, “to identify countries that deny adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) or deny fair and equitable market access to U.S. persons who rely on intellectual property protection.”

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WTO Trade Policy Review: Members question the United States on compulsory licensing, Bayh-Dole, UNHLP & Section 337

In December 2016, during the twilight of President Barack Obama’s 44th presidency, the World Trade Organization (WTO) conducted a Trade Policy Review (TPR) of the United States of America. All members of the WTO are subject to review under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). The TPRM takes place in the “Trade Policy Review Body which is actually the WTO General Council — comprising the WTO’s full membership — operating under special rules and procedures” (Source: WTO, Trade Policy Reviews: Brief Introduction).

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