SCCR33: Conclusions – Protection of Broadcasting Organizations

On Friday, 18 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) reconvened in plenary at 8:45 PM to review the Summary of the Chair. The time stamp of the draft document is 8:00 PM.

The following conclusions relate to the Committee’s work on a proposed treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations.

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SCCR33: Conclusions – Artist Resale Right (droit de suite)

On Friday, 18 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights reconvened in plenary at 8:45 PM to review the Summary of the Chair. The time stamp of the draft document is 8:00 PM.

The following paragraph relates to the SCCR’s deliberations on the proposal submitted by Senegal and Congo on the Resale Right (droit de suite). The Committee agreed to the convening of a conference prior to SCCR34 (1-5 May 2017) on the legal and economic perspectives of droit de suite, including its potential effects on art markets.

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SCCR 33, KEI’s intervention on legal protection for technological protection measures

This was our intervention at SCCR 33 on the topics of exceptions to the legal protection for technological protection measures.

TPMs are an legitimate and important measure to protect certain works, data and technologies from unauthorized uses.

The issues raised by libraries and archives concern the legal protection that one gives the technological protection.

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SCCR33 – Statement by the Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) – Limitations on liability for libraries and archives

On Thursday afternoon, 17 November 2016, WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) addressed the topic of limitations on liability for libraries and archives. Chile, on behalf of the Latin Americas and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) provided a poignant example of how limitations on liability for libraries and archives enabled the provision of an accurate account and attribution of the role played by the Brazilian diplomat, Bertha Lutz, and other Latin American delegates in ensuring gender equity in the UN Charter of 1945.

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SCCR 33: NGOs Statements on Casting treaty in Plenary November 16, 2016

NGOs Statements on Casting treaty in Plenary November 16, 2016

The representatives from broadcasting organizations association might be over-reaching again and are asking for copyright like rights, right to prohibit and authorize, re-transmission on the internet, post fixation rights, up to 50 year terms….the NGOs had strong words, warning of unintended consequences for copyright owners, journalists and the larger public and user of the internet.

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SCCR 33: Notes from KEI NGO statement on WIPO broadcast treaty negotiations, November 16, 2016

Today, after two and a half days of negotiations, mostly off the record in informals, NGOs were given a few minutes to make statements on the broadcasters treaty. We were asked to keep things short, and focus on discussions this week. These are the notes from our intervention.

Notes from KEI NGO statement on Broadcast treaty
November 16, 2016

Right to prohibit

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SCCR 33 Chair’s Proposal for Casting treaty on definitions, object of protection and rights

Here is the Chair’s revised consolidated text followed by his review of the text today:

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights
Thirty-third Session
Geneva, November 14 to 18, 2016
prepared by the Chair

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SCCR 33 WBU Statement on the progress of the Marrakesh Treaty

Chris Friend for the WBU delivered the following statment:

>> WORLD BLIND UNION: Thank you, Mr. Chair, and it gives me great pleasure, recognizing the central role that you had in concluding the negotiations at the diplomatic conference in June 2013. It’s a great pleasure for me to congratulate you for your continued Chairing of this important Standing Committee.

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SCCR 33 Selected General Statement by India for Asia Pacific and Chile for GRULAC

November 14, 2016.
General Statements on the SCCR 33 agenda items

>> INDIA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. India has the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Asia and Pacific group in this 33rd session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights. Asia and Pacific Group would like to express its confidence in your experience and your leadership skills. We are confident that your hard work and diligence will yield desired results and help this committee reach a mutual understanding on all outstanding issues.

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