Access to Knowledge

Knowledge is essential for so many human activities and values, including freedom, the exercise of political power, and economic, social and personal development. Patents, copyright laws and other regulations and economic systems that concern the creation, management and governance of… Continue Reading

Compulsory licensing

Global norms on compulsory licensing Country experiences Compulsory licensing in the United States Statutory authority for compulsory licenses on patents in the United States Compulsory licensing as a remedy to anticompetitive practices Compulsory licensing under the Bayh-Dole Act Compulsory licensing… Continue Reading


November 14 to November 18, 2016 WIPO’s Page for the Meeting SCCR 33: Argentina, Colombia and Mexico – Note on the Draft Treaty to Protect Broadcasting Organizations SCCR33: Opening statement of the Asia Pacific Group (delivered by India) SCCR 33.… Continue Reading


The USTR’s Special 301 Report has been issued every year beginning in 1989. The Executive Summary of the 2009 report says: The “Special 301” Report is an annual review of the global state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and… Continue Reading

2010 Fabrazyme March-In Request

More on Fabry here: NIH rejects Fabrazyme March-In Petition December 7, 2010. Press release from Fabry patients: DHHS denies patient’s march-in request to end Genzyme’s rationing of treatment for Fabry Disease citing that FDA rules block manufactures from supplying… Continue Reading