Harvey Bale, former Director General of IFPMA, says Fast Track “favors the powerful over the weak”

Following the Friday vote in the House of Representatives which effectively blocked movement (for now) on the Trade Promotion Authority, and more generally, slowed down the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, I was contacted by Dr. Harvey Bale, the well known former Director General of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA). In an exchange on Facebook, Dr. Bale took favorable note of the outcome on fast track, and described the vote against fast track as “A very good day, Indeed.” I asked Dr. Continue Reading


Two page summary: What does the TPP do as regards prices of drugs and other medical technologies?

Attached is a 2 page summary of the main provisions in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) that will lead to higher prices for drugs and other medical technologies.

A pdf version of the note is available here: /wp-content/uploads/KEI-TPP-Briefing-2015-2-A2M.pdf

What does the TPP do as regards prices of drugs and other medical technologies?

KEI TPP Briefing note 2015:2
June 10, 2015

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UACT Comments to DHHS on WHA: Agenda Item 13.4 Assessment of Progress in Prevention & Control of NCDs

To prepare for the upcoming 68th World Health Assembly (WHA), the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services held a Stakeholder Listening Session on Friday, May 8, 2015, from 10:30am – 12pm in the HHS Humphrey Building – 200 Independence Ave, SW, Washington, DC 20201. All Agenda items for the upcoming WHA are here:
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KEI Comments to DHHS on WHA Agenda 17.5 (Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and IP)

Andy-IMG_3181_600x.pngOn Friday May 8, 2015, the US Department of Health and Human Services held a listening session to solicit input on the agenda items for the upcoming 68th World Health Assembly. KEI delivered five interventions covering a range of critical WHA topics. The full provisional agenda of the 68th WHA can be accessed here.

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HRC28: Statement by Farida Shaheed, Special Rapporteur, on Copyright policy and the right to science and culture

On Wednesday, 11 March 2015, Farida Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights presented her seminal report on Copyright policy and the right to science and culture (A/HRC/28/57) at the 28th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva.

Highlights from the report’s recommendations include the following:

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KEI Special 301 supplemental comments: Compulsory Licensing not restricted to “Emergencies” or “Measure of Last Resort”

At the February 24, 2015 USTR hearing on Special 301, KEI asked to provide supplemental comments on R&D for the record, and KEI was separately asked by USTR to provide comments on online pharmacies, and by DHHS to comment on the relationship between emergencies and compulsory licensing. (The KEI page on Special 301 is here: /ustr/special301).

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