KEI comments at February 24, 2015 USTR Special 301 Hearing

On February 24, 2015, the USTR convened the Special 301 Review, taking testimony almost exclusively from witnesses representing large corporate rights holders. Over the course of the three-and-a-half hour hearing, groups such as Phrma, NAM, IPO, and the misleadingly-named Alliance for Fair Trade with India (an alliance comprised of groups such as Phrma, NAM, MPAA and many other similar groups) as well as foreign-owned multinational Bridgestone, pushed for the watch-listing of countries that fail to implement TRIPS+ measures. Continue Reading


Save the Date- 19 February 2015- Fire in the Blood- Screening co-sponsored by KEI/MSF-Access Campaign

The Human Rights Council’s 2015 Social Forum will take place from 18 February 2015 to 20 February 2015 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

As requested by the Council in the above-mentioned resolution, the 2015 Social Forum will focus on “access to medicines in the context of the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including best practices in this regard “. (Source:

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16-18 February 2015 WIPO Expert Forum on International Technology Transfer to examine Alternatives to the Patent System

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) will host an Expert Forum on International Technology Transfer on 16 February 2015 to 18 February 2015 at its New Conference Hall. The event is open to the public, and the link for online registration can be found here:

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Argentina, Brazil, India and South Africa- Draft decision to extend mandate of Global Strategy and Plan of Action till 2022

On Tuesday, 27 January 2015, Argentina, Brazil, India and South Africa tabled a draft decision to extend the mandate of the Global strategy and plan of action and public health, innovation and intellectual property (EB136/CONF.7) until 2022. We expect that this draft decision will be discussed on Thursday, 29 January 2015 under agenda item 10.5, Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property. Continue Reading


SCCR29: Opening statement of the Asia and the Pacific Group on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives

On Thursday afternoon, 11 December 2014, Bangladesh delivered the following powerful intervention on behalf of the Asia and the Pacific Group on limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives. This group includes nations such as Bangladesh, Iran, India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Thailand. The Asia and Pacific Group stressed that copyright limitations and exceptions were assured to developing countries and LDCs to ensure a more balanced and efficient international copyright system anchored in Article 7 of the WTO TRIPS Agreement,

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SCCR 29 KEI’s questions on the 3 step test, Berne Revisions & News snippets and Dr. Crews answers

Following Professor Crews’ presentation of his updated report on limitations and exceptions (L&E) for libraries and archives, today more member states, IGOs and NGOs engaged again in an interesting Q&A. After years in this committee, I have rarely witnessed such enthusiasm and interest among all the SCCR participants about a report. Continue Reading

WIPO patent committee (SCP21) to discuss International Nonproprietary Names and Exceptions and Limitations to Patent Rights

In the words of the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) was created,

created in 1998 to serve as a forum to discuss issues, facilitate coordination and provide guidance concerning the progressive international development of patent law.

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Obama officials seek end of WIPO program on limitations and exceptions to patent rights in developing countries

During the WIPO 2014 General Assembly’s discussions of patents and health in the context of the work of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patent (SCP), the Obama Administration embraced an aggressive position against WIPO technical assistance on the use of patent limitations and exceptions.

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New leak of TPP consolidated text on intellectual property provides details of pandering to drug companies and publishers

For more information:
James Love, Knowledge Ecology International
email:, +1.202.361.3040

The May 16, 2014 version of the consolidated negotiating text for the Intellectual Property Chapter for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is a long, complex document that taken as a whole is designed to expand and extend monopolies on knowledge goods, including in particular publisher-owned copyrights, patents on inventions, and monopoly rights in data used to register new drugs, vaccines and agricultural chemical products.

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