Submission of Knowledge Ecology International on the Draft General Comment: Science and economic, social and cultural rights Art. 15: 15.1b, 15.2, 15.3 and 15.4

On Friday, 14 February 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted the following comments on the Draft General Comment on Science and economic, social and cultural rights prepared by the the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural rights (CESCR). The draft… Continue Reading

WHO EB146: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on WHO reform – Involvement of non-State actors in WHO’s governing bodies

On Saturday, 8 February 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement on WHO reform – Involvement of non-State actors in WHO’s governing bodies at the 146th session of WHO’s Executive Board. Knowledge Ecology International Meeting: Executive Board 146… Continue Reading

WHO EB146: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on the Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property

On Thursday evening, 6 February 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement on WHO’s Global strategy and plan of action on public health, innovation and intellectual property. We request WHO’s Global Observatory on Health Research and Development to… Continue Reading

KEI Comments Regarding NIH Exclusive License to TeraImmune for T Cell Therapy

(UPDATE: The NIH provided a response to our comments on February 25, 2020) On February 3, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the “Prospective Grant of Exclusive Patent License: Development of Regulatory T-Cell Therapies for the Treatment of… Continue Reading

KEI Comments to NIST on Interagency Edison System for Reporting Federally Funded Inventions, 84 FR 68128, Docket No. 191126-0092

Filed in 84 FR 68128, Docket No. 191126-0092. KEI-NIST-RFC-iEdison, 27Jan2020 January 27, 2020 Dr. Courtney Silverthorn Deputy Director, Technology Partnerships Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology Technology Partnerships Office 100 Bureau Drive, MS 2200, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, Re:… Continue Reading

Joint comments on the NIH license to patents on CAR therapies to CJ Healthcare

Joint Comments Regarding “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Development and Commercialization of CD19/CD22 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) Therapies for the Treatment of B-Cell Malignancies[,]” 85 FR 328 On January 21, 2020 five groups and two individuals filed comments… Continue Reading

KEI Request to appear at the January 30, 2020 public hearing on GSP benefits for South Africa and Indonesia

This is the KEI request to appear at the January 30, 2020, USTR public hearing on petitions from the IIPA to impose higher tariffs (revoke GSP benefits) on South Africa and Indonesia over copyright issues. The docket is here:… Continue Reading

KEI Comments Regarding NIH Exclusive License on Gene Therapy to Treat Ocular Disease

On Friday January 10, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Gene Therapy for Ocular Disease” to OcQuila Therapeutics, Ltd. (84 FR 65169). The… Continue Reading