Money speaks: USTR releases letters from Congress backing PhRMA on exclusive rights biologic test data in TPP

As part of a partial response to FOIA request, USTR has provided KEI with copies of 13 letters sent by members of Congress, from July 27, 2011 to August 8, 2013, on the topic of biologic drug test data provisions in the TPP negotiation. We had obtained several but not all of these letters earlier from a variety of sources, including from PhRMA’s web page — where some had been proudly displayed. (See link below).

Were there letters on the other side? Yes, three. (see below).

With the FOIA request, we have also obtained the responses to the letters.

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WIPO General Assembly 2014: Hard Decisions on the Design Law Treaty and Treaty for Protection of Genetic Resources

The Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) convenes its Fifty-Fourth Series of meetings in Geneva from 22 September 2014 to 30 September 2014. These Assemblies include, inter alia, meetings of the WIPO General Assembly, the WIPO Coordination Committee, the Paris Union Assembly, the Berne Union Assembly, the Madrid Union Assembly, the Lisbon Union Assembly, the Patent Cooperation Treaty Assembly, the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) Assembly and the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) Assembly. Continue Reading

SCCR28: Chair’s Conclusions (No recommendations on broadcasting or limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives)

At 12:50 AM on 5 July 2014, the World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) 28th Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights concluded without reaching agreement on recommendations to the WIPO General Assembly on the following two topics: 1) Protection of Broadcasting Organizations and 2) Limitations and exceptions: libraries and archives. Continue Reading

28 October 2014: WTO Innovation Fair on the margins of WTO TRIPS Council review of the Paragraph 6 system

On 28 October 2014, the World Trade Organization (WTO) will host the inaugural WTO Innovation Fair which will “feature a diverse array of creators and inventors including individuals and organizations from around the globe and will serve as a platform for exchange of information, introduction of new technologies and advancing the understanding of the innovation lifecycle – from research and development, to financing and commercialization.” (Source: Website of the Permanent Mission Continue Reading


KEI statement on library exceptions at WIPO SCCR 28

These are the notes from my statement on behalf of KEI on July 3, 2014, during the WIPO SCCR 28 discussions of principles and objectives for library copyright exceptions. The WIPO discussions on July 3 focused on the four topics in the US paper, SCCR/26/8.

I will start with comments on the statements made by the Federation of Independent Journalists, which were critical of library copyright exceptions, and authors who don’t make a living directly from royalties.

All authors have used libraries. Some authors still use libraries.

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SCCR28: Opening statement of the Asia Pacific Group

On Monday, 30 June 2014, Bangladesh, on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group, delivered its opening statement at SCCR 29. The Asia Pacific Group includes such nations as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Thailand. On limitations and exceptions, the Asia Pacific Group proposed the an innovative model to move discussions forward:

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SCCR28: Venezuelan and Uruguayan reaction to Chair’s proposal to invite broadcasters to provide technical expertise in informals

During the first day of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), the Committee was made aware of the Chair’s (Martin Moscoso, Peru) proposal to invite three experts from the broadcasting industry (1) Alexandre Jobim, International Association of Broadcasting, (2) Premila Manvi Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union and (3) Erica Redler (North American Broadcasters Association). Venezuela, noted,

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