Background FAQ on Glivec (imatinib) compulsory license in Colombia

(More on Colombia here: /colombia) For more information, contact: (U.S.) Andrew Goldman, KEI: or +1 (202) 332-2670 (Colombia) Andrea Carolina Reyes Rojas, Misión Salud: (Colombia) Dr. Francisco Rossi, IFARMA: Frequently Asked Questions What is happening in Colombia… Continue Reading

Letter from KEI, Public Citizen, Oxfam America and Health GAP to Senator Hatch, regarding Colombia Compulsory License

Attached is a letter that KEI, Public Citizen, Oxfam America and Health GAP have sent to Senator Hatch, via the Senate Finance Committee, objecting to the pressure his office has put on Colombia over a compulsory license on patents held by Novartis for the cancer drug Gleevec. This refers to the accounts of pressure from Hatch’s office that are described in two letters from the Colombia Embassy in Washington, dated April 27 and April 28, which were recently leaked. Continue Reading

Background FAQ on Glivec (imatinib) compulsory license in Colombia

(More on Colombia here: /colombia)

For more information, contact:
(U.S.) Andrew Goldman, KEI: or +1 (202) 332-2670
(Colombia) Andrea Carolina Reyes Rojas, Misión Salud:
(Colombia) Dr. Francisco Rossi, IFARMA:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is happening in Colombia with regard to imatinib?
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13 non-profits urge Senate HELP Committee to block floor amendments to 21st Century Cures Act counterpart

Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) presents a legislative package of healthcare reforms to the Senate floor for an up-or-down vote, 13 consumer, patient and health non-profit groups sent a letter to HELP Chairman and Ranking Member to ensure that the final legislative package includes only those bills that the HELP Committee reviewed in mark-up sessions.

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SCCR 32 Day 1 Agenda and Group Statements

The various groups statements from Asia and Pacific, Group B, Africa Group, GRULAC etc. were about the stated positions regarding the topics on the table i.e.the protection of broadcasting, cablecasting (and webcasting) organizations, the limitations and exceptions and for some their interest in new topics including the resale rights and the digital environment context study proposal. No surprises here. Continue Reading



Chair: Brazil, you still have the floor.
>> BRAZIL: Thank you, Chair.
Regarding a very quick follow-up to your question regarding — as I mentioned, the proposal was presented and supported in 201 and 204 of the draft report and we understand it should be also reflected. We understand that this could be also a bridge of positions getting comfort to many Delegations that have concerns on this matter. These are the details that you have requested. Thank you, Chair.
>> CHAIR: Thank you for that.
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SCCR 32 Day 1: US Delegation Statement on some definitions

UNITED STATES: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just to weigh in on a couple of the definitions that have been under discussion to date, so with respect to program carrying signal on the bracketed, the first bracketed language as originally transmitted and in any subsequent technical format, we agree with the E.U. that that is probably an important phrase to retain in as much as it makes clear that subsequent technical modifications of the signal will not result in the loss of protection of the originally transmitted signal.

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