KEI Comments regarding USTR Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee

Comments of KEI, regarding USTR Request For Comments From The Public On The Creation Of The Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee And Request For Nominees To That Committee.

Submitted to on March 25, 2014, under docket number USTR-2014-0005.

Intellectual property issues are an important element of US trade agreements, and according to a recent study by Open Secrets, the most intensively lobbied issue, by far.

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What’s in a name? Geographical indications stir the pot at WIPO trademark committee

Protection for geographical indications is an issue that divides the generally united front that Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand and the United States maintain at WIPO and WTO negotiations on setting rules for the enforcement of patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs. In a 12 March 2014 piece, Europe wants its Parmesan back, seeks name change, the Associated Press reported that,

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KEI Comments on the IIPA oral and written submission to 2014 Special 301 regarding education and research

Manon Ress, Knowledge Ecology International, Comments on the IIPA oral and written submission to 2014 Special 301

March 7, 2014

Docket ID: USTR-2013-0040

In 2014, the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) submission for the Special 301 failed to propose constructive policies by the USTR regarding copyright, as regards to access to knowledge and copyright related issues, in the context of education or research.

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Revised agenda for Feb 24 USTR Special 301 hearing

Here is the REVISED agenda for the Special 301 hearing on February 24. Public Citizen has been added to the list of witnesses, and USTR now lists the names of the speakers for the various trade associations. Unlike recent years, the level of participation by major trade organizations is significant.

February 24, 2014 – 10:00 a.m.

Office of the United States Trade Representative
1724 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20508

The Special 301 Hearing is open to the public. Members of the press are welcome to attend.
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Public Comments by Brian Pomper-Executive Director of the Innovation Alliance and Alliance for Fair Trade with India

Brian Arthur Pomper is a partner at the law firm of Akin Gump.

Mr. Pomper formerly served as chief international trade counsel to Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT). In that role, he was responsible for advising Chairman Baucus and other members of the Senate Finance Committee on all aspects of the Committee’s international trade and economic agenda.

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2014, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Global Intellectual Property Center) discussion of South Africa

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s (Global Intellectual Property Center) submission (7 February 2014, USTR-2013-0040) to USTR’s 2014 Special 301 expressed the following concerns with South Africa’s draft National Policy on Intellectual Property. The Chamber’s concerns include proposed changes in patentability guidelines and the possible introduction of a robust compulsory licensing framework. The Chamber requested USTR to push South Africa to adopt a “modern term of protection for copyright” (life plus 70).

South Africa


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Alliance for Fair Trade with India (AFTI): Ground zero for trade sanctions against India

The Alliance for Fair Trade with India (AFTI) was created in June 2013, to lobby for “increased action to address the erosion of intellectual property rights (“IPR”) in India.” According to the group, it is “comprised of organizations representing a range of U.S. industries adversely impacted by India’s troubling and frequently discriminatory policies, including manufacturing, agriculture, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and beyond.”

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2014, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Global Intellectual Property Center) discussion of India

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s (Global Intellectual Property Center) submission (7 February 2014, USTR-2013-0040) to USTR’s 2014 Special 301 Review requests USTR classify India as a Priority Foreign Country specifically citing concerns over compulsory licensing. The submission noted that India… Continue Reading