Library & Archive exceptions at WIPO: Notes from SCCR 26 December 19, 2013 morning session

This morning the WIPO SCCR is going through the list of the following topics:

Topic #1 Preservation
Topic #2 Reproduction and safeguarding of copies
Topic #3 Legal Deposit
Topic #4 Library Lending
Topic #5 Parallel Importations
Topic #6 Cross-border uses
Topic #7 Orphan works, retracted and withdrawn works, and works out of commerce
Topic #8 Limitations on Liability of libraries and Archives
Topic #9 Technological Measures of Protection
Topic #10 Contract
Topic #11 Right to translate works

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United States’ Opening Statement on Exceptions and Limitations SCCR 26 December 18, 2013

This was delivered this morning, by Shira Perlmutter of USPTO.

United States’ Opening Statement on Exceptions and Limitations SCCR 26 December 18, 2013

* The United States starts with the recognition that exceptions and limitations are a critical element of a balanced and vibrant copyright law regime.

* A combination of strong protections for authors, and appropriate exceptions and limitations on their rights, together serve to further copyright’s goals of encouraging creativity, innovation, and learning.

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US proposes a “single right” which excludes post-fixation rights and opens door to retransmission over any medium

During discussions at the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) on the broadcasting treaty, the following proposal of the United States (on Article 9-Protection for Broadcasting Organizations) was distributed in the plenary (following requests by Kenya and Ecuador to see the proposal in writing). Continue Reading


WIPO broadcast treaty: New Indian proposal on scope of application rejects webcasting

16 December 2013

Monday afternoon’s session of the WIPO SCCR witnessed a spirited debate on the heart of the proposed WIPO broadcast treaty (Article 6) on the Scope of Application. The original consolidated text, SCCR/24/10 CORR, contains two alternatives, A and B with language detailing the relationship between the protection of signals, the underlying content and webcasting.

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