TRIPS Council: Statement of the European Union on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy

On 1 February 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a submission (IP/C/W/651)by South Africa to the TRIPS Council on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy. The South African paper endeavored to… Continue Reading

KEI Submission to WHO Essential Medicines List – Enzalutamide / Abiraterone Acetate

The WHO Essential Medicines List is a major WHO tool used to expand access to medicines.  In 2017, the WHO issued the 20th Essential Medicines List (EML) which was the 40th anniversary of the list.  The WHO is currently in… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council: Submission of the European Union, the United States and 9 other WTO members on Public-Private Collaborations in Innovation

On 8 February 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a submission (IP/C/W/652) by Australia; Canada; Chile; The European Union; Hong Kong, China; Japan; the Republic of Korea; Singapore; Switzerland; Chinese Taipei; and the United States to the TRIPS Council… Continue Reading

2019: KEI Comments Submitted to USTR Special 301 Review

On Thursday February 7, 2019, KEI submitted comments and intent to testify at the hearing for the 2019 US Trade Representative’s Special 301 review process. This year’s hearing will take place on Wednesday February 27, 2019 at the Office of… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council: South Africa considers strict patentability criteria to address abuses in the pharmaceutical industry

On 1 February 2019, the World Trade Organization (WTO) published a submission (IP/C/W/651) by South Africa to the TRIPS Council on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy. The South African paper endeavors… Continue Reading

EB144: KEI statement on the WHO roadmap on access to medicines, vaccines and health products

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered the following statement on the WHO roadmap on access to medicines, vaccines and health products (agenda item 5.7.1) on Tuesday evening, 29 January 2019 during the 144th session of WHO’s Executive Board. The WHO Roadmap… Continue Reading

EB144: KEI statement on Preparation for the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on universal health coverage

Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) will make the following intervention on agenda item 5.5.3 titled “Preparation for the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on universal health coverage.” Currently, WHO member states are involved in intense negotiations on a draft resolution… Continue Reading

WHO Cancer Report – Key findings

On 18 December 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a “Technical report on Pricing of cancer medicines and its impacts” (hereinafter referred to as the “WHO Cancer Report”). The mandate for the WHO Cancer Report emanates from operative paragraph… Continue Reading