Pfizer asked USTR to block Malaysia requirement on drug price transparency. September 2017

KEI has received Pfizer and USTR emails and a Pfizer briefing memo to USTR from September 2017, asking the USTR to block a Malaysia Requirement to disclose drug prices. The documents were obtained under a Freedom of Information request to… Continue Reading

Communications between Gilead and USTR regarding Malaysia compulsory license on HCV patents, 2017 to May 2018

The attached document is a 78 page PDF file obtained from USTR under the Freedom of Information Act (copy here), regarding communications between Gilead and USTR, over Malaysia’s decision to grant a compulsory license on patents for HCV treatments. This… Continue Reading

At WIPO SCCR 37, a November 27, 2018 side event: Civil Society Views on the proposed WIPO Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations

DATE: Tuesday, 27 November 2018 TIME: 1 PM to 3 PM VENUE: Room B, World Intellectual Property Organization CONVENER: Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) cordially invites you to attend our side event during deliberations of the 37th… Continue Reading

Roadblocks ahead on the WHO Roadmap on Access to Medicines and Vaccines?

By Katy Athersuch [1] and Thiru Balasubramaniam In May 2018, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted decision WHA71(8) requesting WHO’s Director-General to “elaborate a roadmap, in consultation with Member States, outlining the programming of WHO’s work on access to medicines… Continue Reading

Comments on NIH Prospective Exclusive License on Diabetes Treatments

Update. NIH sent us a 147 word response on November 23, 2018: NIH to KEI regarding Ovensa 23 NOV 2018. The brief reply states that “Prior to posting notices of a proposed grant of exclusive commercialization licenses, the NIH determines… Continue Reading

TRIPS Council (November 2018): Statement of South Africa on Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy

On 9 November 2018, South Africa delivered the following statement on IP and competition policy at the WTO TRIPS Council under agenda item 13 on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Promoting Public Health Through Competition Law and Policy (an… Continue Reading