WIPO General Assembly 2015: Statement of United States on Broadcasting Treaty and Copyright Limitations and Exceptions

On Wednesday, 7 October 2015, the United States of America delivered the following statement on agenda item 12 (Report on the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights). The US expressed support for a broadcasting treaty under a signal-based approach, focused on “unauthorized simultaneous or near-simultaneous retransmission of broadcast signals to the public over any type of platform, including the Internet.”

On copyright limitations and exceptions, the US expressed support for

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KEI’s second installment of TPP IP Chapter leak, includes copyright, all other provisions

This press release was distributed this morning, August 5, 2015, after KEI released the final sections of the TPP Chapter on Intellectual Property. The full text of the chapter is available here: /tpp/11may2015-ip-text.

5 August 2015
CONTACT: Zack Struver
+1 (202) 332-2670

Knowledge Ecology International Leaks Copyright Provisions in Trans-Pacific Partnership

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KEI letter to Register of Copyrights, USPTO and OSTP on copyright issues in TPP

On the topic of the TPP and copyright, KEI has sent a letter to Maria Pallante, the Register of Copyrights, Shira Perlmutter, Chief Policy Officer and Director for International Affairs for USPTO, and Nancy Weiss, Senior Advisor to the Chief Technology Officer, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President.

KEI asked these agencies to address certain issues in the TPP intellectual property chapter that relate to access to copyright issues, with a focus on orphan works, and uses by governments.

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Selected KEI blogs and letters on provisions in ACTA, TPP and other trade agreements on copyright damages and access to orphan works.

Selected KEI blogs and letters on provisions in ACTA, TPP and other trade agreements on copyright damages and access to orphan works. 2009 June 15, 2009, James Love, Damages, Injunctions and Transparency Key Issues in ACTA Negotiations. Available at /blogs/2009/06/15/thoughts-acta-negotiations… Continue Reading


July 2015: WTO reports on EU competition policy and copyright law – WTO Trade Policy Review – European Union

On 6 July 2015 and 8 July 2015, the World Trade Organization (WTO) conducted a trade policy review of the European Union. All members of the WTO are subject to review under the Trade Policy Review Mechanism (TPRM). As noted by the WTO secretariat, the “basis for the review is a report by the WTO Secretariat and a report by the Government of the European Union” (Source: Trade Policy Review – European Union, July 2015).

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SCCR30: United States- Preservation – Copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives

On Thursday, 2 July 2015, the United States of America presented the following intervention on preservation in the context of copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives. The following statement was captured by the WIPO streamtext.

UNITED STATES: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The United States is pleased to participate in the discussion of preservation, a very important topic for libraries and archives.

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Sony referred to “WIPO treaty for blind as “stalking horse” to “denigrate the rights of copyright owners”

In the new Wikileaks archives of leaked Sony documents (Link here), there is a memo (https://wikileaks.org/sony/docs/05/docs/DECE/DECE%20CP1%20-%20ss.doc.pdf), which describes Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) concern over the proposed WIPO treaty for copyright exceptions for persons who are blind or have other disabilities. The memo, undated in the Wikileaks archives, but probably written in 2009, included the following passages:

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