FTC approves Celgene acquisition of Juno without requiring divestitures

On Tuesday February 20, 2018, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission approved the Celgene acquisition of Juno, without requiring divestitures. The European Commission did not review the merger. KEI’s February 16, 2018 letter opposing the acquisition is available here. The following… Continue Reading

18 members of the House of Representatives call for compulsory license on patents for HCV treatments

Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA-17) was joined by 17 other members of Congress in calling upon Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar to issue a compulsory license on patents for medications to treat hepatitis C, by exercising 28… Continue Reading

October 2017: Dueling narratives on compulsory licensing emerge from the WTO TRIPS Council

The October 2017 meeting of the WTO TRIPS Council witnessed heated discussions on compulsory licensing within the context of IP and the Public Interest. As reported earlier by Knowledge Ecology International, on 31 May 2017, Brazil, China, Fiji, India, and… Continue Reading

KEI asks FTC to block Celgene Acquisition of Juno​ Therapeutics, over BCMA-targeted CAR T treatment for Multiple Myeloma

On February 14, 2018, KEI meet with the FTC to express our opposition to Celgene’s proposed acquisition of Juno Therapeutics. Celgene-Juno-KEI-FTC16Feb2018 The Celgene acquisition of Juno Therapeutics would give Celgene control over competing candidates for the treatment of multiple myeloma… Continue Reading

NIH Declines Request for the Budget for Clinical Trials Involving CAR T technology to be licensed to Kite/Gilead

On February 14, the NIH was asked what the budget was for the Phase 1 clinical trial of the anti-CD30 CAR T technology that is the subject of a proposed exclusive patent license to Kite/Gilead. The clinicaltrials.gov identifier for the… Continue Reading

PhRMA and BIO request EU be added to USTR Watch List over review of incentives

PhRMA and BIO have both requested that the US Trade Representative place the European Union on its watch list in the 2018 Special 301 Report. The Special 301 Report is a yearly review by the US Trade Representative of the… Continue Reading

PhRMA’s 2018 Special 301 Submission targets Australia, Canada, S. Korea, Japan & others over pricing, reimbursement policies

In its 2018 Special 301 submission, PhRMA targets a number of countries for pricing and reimbursement policies deemed hostile to the pharmaceutical industry. Among these, PhRMA strategically lobbies for the strongest classifications for Canada and Korea — countries dealing with… Continue Reading