ACTA is not consistent with US laws on injunctions and damages

Two areas where ACTA is inconsistent with US law, injunctions and damages
KEI Policy Brief, 2011:2
30 September 2011, revised 3 October 2011
James Love and Krista Cox

As the U.S. is reportedly about to sign ACTA, we wanted to point out two important areas where ACTA is not consistent with U.S. law. These are the sections of ACTA dealing with injunctions and damages. Below we have included the text from ACTA and the WTO TRIPS agreement on these two topics.

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Ecuador’s proposal to WIPO General Assembly to convene a Diplomatic Conference on a Treaty for Persons with Reading Disabilities

On Thursday, 29 September 2011, Ecuador made the following intervention at the WIPO General Assembly (GA) during the consideration of a Report on the Work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) which called for the WIPO GA to convene a diplomatic conference in 2012 on a treaty on copyright exceptions for persons with reading disabilities provided that SCCR23 reached agreement on a negotiating text for the TVI.

Gracias señor Presidente.

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2011 WIPO General Assembly begins week long meeting

The 49th WIPO General Assembly began today, in a packed hall of the CICG convention center. The agenda and other documents for the meeting is available here. The Director General, Francis Gurry, began his talk focusing on financial challenges, and, among other things, several references to the work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). Gurry talked about progress on the AV treaty, and progress on an “instrument” for persons with disabilities. He talked about the new SCCR work program on the broadcast treaty. He did not mention the WIPO work on libraries, education or other copyright limitations and exceptions issues.

The meeting is webcast. Countries have been given 5 minutes for opening statements.
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