Cables that mention open source software – now with excerpts

September 4, 2011
From KEI staff review of Wikileaks cables (/wikileaks)

These cables from a search of “open source” and software, plus additional searches using the terms Linux, FOSS, Ubuntu and “free software.” I have included excerpts to relevant sections of the cables, as well as links to the full cables, for additional context. I will be adding more cables as I find them. Jamie

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Jan 2009, Ranneberger reports on Kenya anti-counterfeit goods legislation

September 3, 2011
From KEI staff review of Wikileaks cables (/wikileaks)

The following is a January 2009 cable written by Michael E. Ranneberger, the U.S. Ambassador to Kenya. The subject of the cable is: Kenya Passes Long Awaited Anti-counterfeit Goods Bill

Cable reference id: #09NAIROBI86

Reference id aka Wikileaks id #186907 ???
Subject Kenya Passes Long Awaited Anti-counterfeit Goods Bill
Origin Embassy Nairobi (Kenya)
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Wikileaks: US Cable on WIPO SCCR 17 meeting

September 2, 2011
From KEI staff review of Wikileaks cables (/wikileaks)

This is a US Department of State cable reporting on the WIPO SCCR 17 meeting, which took place November 3-7, 2008. This was the first meeting focusing primarily on copyrigh limitations and exceptions, and also, the meeting where the World Blind Union first presented its proposal for a treaty.

Among the observations reported in the cable:

Wikileaks cables shows Obama Administration role in lobbying EU to approve Oracle acquisition of MySQL and other Sun assets

Two cables recently disclosed by Wikileaks illustrate the degree to which the Obama Administration was monitoring the EU review of the Oracle acquisition of Sun, and leaning on the European Union to permit Oracle to acquire MySQL and other “open source” assets controlled by Sun.

Both cables were signed by Ambassador Christopher W. Murray, who served as Deputy Chief of Mission and Chargé d’Affaires at the United States Mission to the European Union, in Brussels, Belgium, from 2007 to 2010.

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WIPO General Assembly: Expectations loom over decisions on treaties for actors, reading disabled persons and genetic resources

The WIPO General Assembly meets from Monday, 26 September 2011 to Wednesday, 5 October 2011 and will take place at the International Conference Center Geneva (CICG), 17 rue de Varembé, 1211, Geneva.

The tentative schedule for 49th session of the WIPO General Assembly can be found here:

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KEI Statement in opposition to a WIPO Treaty for Broadcasting Organizations

KEI Statement on the Broadcast Treaty at WIPO SCCR 22
June 21, 2011

KEI opposes work at WIPO on a new treaty for broadcasting organizations.

To the extent that creative works are distributed through broadcasting networks, they are nearly always protected by copyright.

In the small cases where the broadcast involves material in the public domain, it would be a mistake to give the broadcaster an intellectual property right, merely for transmitting information.

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