Embedded content in television shows and films

Google hits for “health messages embedded in television” 275,000


Motivating Television Viewers to Become Organ Donors
Authors: Lauren Movius, Michael Cody, Grace Huang, Mandy Berkowitz, Susan Morgan
Corresponding Author: Lauren Movius, Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California, lmovius@usc.edu.

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Notes from meeting with USTR on the TPP IPR chapter

Today USTR provided some additional insight into negotiations of a regional, Asia-Pacific trade agreement, known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement. The USTR web page on the TPP negotiations is http://www.ustr.gov/tpp. At present, the TPP negotiators include Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam. Japan and Canada have expressed interest in joining the negotiations, and USTR clearly would like to design an agreement that will be open to other countries. Our discussions focused on the intellectual property chapter in the agreement. Continue Reading


Microsoft, Gates Foundation Timeline

November 29, 2010 Revised January 4, 2011 Introduction This timeline contains a number of selected data points concerning Microsoft and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF). The motivations for this timeline, which features entries for both Microsoft and the… Continue Reading

A KEI note to Library of Congress about ACTA text

From: James Love
To: Michele Woods
Cc: Nancy Weiss
Subject: Some examples of US inconsistency with ACTA
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 07:29:09 -0500

This note cites several areas where US law is plainly inconsistent with

In addition, in a separate analysis,I have called attention to proposed
legislation in USA on orphan copyrighted works that are very
inconsistent with ACTA provisions on remedies.

Some examples of inconsistencies between ACTA and US law

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KEI statement at SCCR 21

This was our 400 word statement at the WIPO SCCR 21.

Statement of KEI at WIPO SCCR 21, November 11, 2010

There should be a compelling rationale for creating new global norms for copyrights.

KEI opposes work on a new broadcasting treaty, and supports work on performers treaty.

KEI supports work at the SCCR on new possible norms for copyright limitations and exceptions, particularly as regards to access to knowledge, and uses of new technologies.

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SCCR21: Proposal for the consideration of the African Group on a Decision on SCCR

The following proposal for a road map for the SCCR’s consideration of limitations and exceptions was submitted by the African Group on Tuesday, 9 November 2010.

Proposal for the consideration of the African Group on a Decision on SCCR

(Limitations and exceptions)

Bearing in mind

SCCR 21: General statement of Group B (covering broadcasting, AV protection and limitations and exceptions)

The following general statement was delivered by France, on behalf of Group B, on the first day (8 November 2010) of SCCR 21.

Group B opening statement

I thank you M. Chair,

Group B is glad to welcome you back in Geneva for this 21st session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, which we hope will be a productive one.

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