Canada’s intervention to SCCR 20: ‘International instrument on access to protected materials by persons with print disabilities’

The following intervention was delivered by John Gero, Canada’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization (WTO) during SCCR 20. Ambassador Gero is currently serving as the Chair of the WTO General Council.

Intervention — International instrument on access to protected materials by persons with print disabilities

Thank you Mr. Chairman

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Turkey’s intervention at SCCR 20 making the case for a WIPO Treaty for Reading Disabled Persons

In this intervention dated 24 June 2010, Turkey (a member of Group B), made the following unequivocal, nuanced statement before the 20th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) of why a WIPO treaty for reading disabled persons is the most effective global solution to solve the problems of reading disabled persons in accessing protected works.

Thank you Mr. Chairman,

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SCCR 20: Draft Conclusions

It is 3:30 PM on Thursday, 24 June 2010 in Geneva, and the 20th session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) is now reviewing these draft conclusions.

World Intellectual Property Organization
Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)
Twentieth Session
Geneva, June 21 to 24, 2010

Draft Conclusions


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WIPO SCCR 20: Proyecto de conclusiones

Esta es la version de las 3.30 pm del 24 de junio del 2010 del proyecto de conclusiones de la OMPI SCCR 20 en espanol. El documento fue distribuido durante el dia de hoy por el secretariado de la OMPI y esta siendo discutido. Este texto va a ser negociado esta tarde.

Organización Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual
Comité de Derecho de Autor y Derechos Conexos (SCCR)
Vigésima sesión
Ginebra, 21 a 24 de junio de 2010

Proyecto de conclusiones


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Comparison of the four proposals on disabilities at WIPO SCCR

The attached table, prepared as a collaboration between KEI and the WBU, provides a comparison of the four proposals being discussed this week at the WIPO SCCR 20, as regards to the provisions about access to copyrighted works for persons with disabilities. The African Group proposal includes additional issues, but in this table, we only examine those that relate specifically to persons with disabilities. Continue Reading

SCCR20: Statement by Barbados supporting Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Mexico proposal for a Treaty for Reading Disabled Persons

On Wednesday, 23 June 2010, Barbados delivered the following intervention giving unequivocal support for the proposal for the Treaty for Reading Disabled Persons tabled by Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Mexico. The spirit of Barbados’ intervention is perhaps best encapsulated by this concluding statement:

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South Africa’s opening statement to WIPO SCCR 20

On 21 June, 2010, South Africa made the following general statement to the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) which covered the protection of broadcasting organizations, a treaty for audiovisual performances and on limitations on exceptions. South Africa underscored that the SCCR’s work on limitations and exceptions be prioritized and welcomed the ongoing work of WIPO in ‘regard to the matter of access for the visually impaired’. South Africa emphasized that

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The EU proposal for increasing access?

The EU position came out in a proposal for a Joint Recommendation with 9 articles in 11 pages. It is hard to believe but it is worst than the US proposal and it is even worst than nothing. It is an outrageous “roll back” recommendation. It does make clear who’s the boss in the commission. The publishers apparently. Their proposal is bold. Here’s a quick read:

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