Colombia Ministry of Health Announces that Negotiations With Novartis Have Failed; Declaration of Public Interest Imminent

Reports have emerged from a DNDi meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that the Colombian Ministry of Health announced that negotiations with Novartis over the price of Glivec have failed, and that Minister Alejandro Gaviria will proceed with the formal declaration that a compulsory license for the patents on the drug is in the public interest.

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WIPO IGC30: Narrowing existing gaps relating to the protection of genetic resources?

By Sophia Simon

This week, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is convening the 30th session of the Intergovernmental Committee (IGC) on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (GRTKF) from 30 May 2016 to 3 June 2016. The goal of this week’s session is to “[u]ndertake negotiations on [genetic resources] GRs with a focus on addressing unresolved issues” and to consider “options for a draft legal instrument.” The Committee is chaired by Ian Goss (Australia).

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