The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 Innovation Inducement Prizes

On December 19, 2007, the The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was enacted as Public Law 110-140. The Act created two new innovation inducement prizes to stimulate innovation in the field of energy:

  • The H-Prize, which is designed to advance the research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of hydrogen energy technologies.
  • The Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prizes, which deal with energy efficient solid state lighting.

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Statement of Brazil to the 48th General Assembly of WIPO, September 2010

The Permanent Representative of Brazil, Roberto Azevedo, delivered the following statement to the 48th session of the WIPO General Assembly. The intervention was delivered in Portuguese; below is the English translation.



Statement Delivered by the Permanent Representative of Brazil, Ambassador Roberto Azevedo

Mr. Chairman,

Let me start by congratulating you on the excellent job you have been doing in conducting the work of WIPO’s General Assembly.

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