ACTA: the new institution

KEI has access to yet undisclosed sections of the negotiating ACTA text. The text is organized in 6 chapters. The longest is Chapter 2 on “legal framework for enforcement of intellectual property rights.” The second longest is Chapter 5, on “Institutional Arrangements.” In ten pages of text, the ACTA negotiators have set out a plan to create a new institution to administer, implement and modify ACTA. Continue Reading


PhRMA’s asks regarding special 301, drug pricing and reimbursement

Below are asks from the 2010 PhRMA submission to the USTR Special 301 list on the topic of drug pricing and reimbursement decisions, and described as ‘Market Access Barriers.’ In its assertions, PhRMA attack countries for government price negotiations, making use of reference pricing, the insufficient involvement of pharmaceutical companies in setting government pricing policies and the composition of drug formularies, among other things.


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PhRMA’s revolving door

The following are a few notes on PhRMA’s revolving door with the federal government.

Billy Tauzin. Former member of Congress from Louisiana.

Chris Singer. Previously served as a professional staff member for the U.S. House Appropriations Committee.

Brian Toohey. Former Desk Officer and Deputy Director in the European Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

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