Notes on a panel discussion on IP and free trade with government and industry representatives

A Panel Discussion on Policy Approaches to Intellectual Property Enforcement and the Impact on Trade Agreements

Organized by the Property Rights Alliance, this event was hosted by the Intellectual Property Caucus and sponsored by Rep. Tom Feeney.

Date: 12:00-1:30pm October 4, 2007
Venue: Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC

Attendance: Congressional staff, industry representatives, other interested parties.

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WIPO: Under Siege?

Walking around the marbled corridors of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) during its 43rd General Assembly, one cannot help but feel a palpable sense of an Organization under siege. Heightened security detail, ostensibly for the protection of the institution and the assembled delegates, was referred by one insider as justification for WIPO maintaining the current levels for patent filing fees.

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NGO Statement on Patent Ruling

Knowledge Ecology International – NGO Statement on Patent Ruling

Tuesday, 07 August 2007

Joint Statement by CPAA, MSF, DNP+ and Lawyers Collective on Novartis Judgment the Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA), the Lawyers Collective HIV/AIDS Unit, the Delhi Network for Positive People (DNP+) and Médecins Sans Frontières.

Lawyers Collective: Anand Grover:  +91.9820184788; Chan Park: + 91.9899452377
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MSF Press Release on Indian Court Ruling

Monday, 06 August 2007
Indian Court Ruling in Novartis Case Protects India as the 'Pharmacy of the Developing World'

Médecins Sans Frontières
India: Leena Menghaney +
Switzerland: Sheila Shettle +, + 41.22.849.8403
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Knowledge Ecology International – India

Monday, 06 August 2007


Patent application for atazanavir denied:

August 16, 2007. Indian Patent Office rejects application for patent foratazanavir. Click here for the notice.  

Novartis challenges Patent Act: 

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