March 8, 2007 Geneva Q&A Session on Thai White Paper

Knowledge Ecology International: Q&A Session on Thai White Paper (Facts and Evidences on the 10 Burning Issues Related to the Government Use of Patents on Three Patented Essential Drugs in Thailand) Geneva, Switzerland 8 March 2007 Thiru Balasubramaniam On Thursday,… Continue Reading

Christine LAGARDE asked to change EU “opt-out” of 30 August 2003 decision regarding imports of generic medicines manufactured under a compulsory license

Original page: Christine LAGARDE asked to change EU “opt-out” of 30 August 2003 decision regarding imports of generic medicines manufactured under a compulsory license To: Christine LAGARDE, Ministre déléguée au Commerce extérieur, France From: Manon Ress and James Love,… Continue Reading

Senator Schumer Press release calling for use of 28 USC 1498 to authorize generic manufacture of oseltamivir (TN: Tamiflu)

Schumer’s October 16, 2005 press release As Avian Flu Closes In On U.S., Schumer Calls For Immediate Action: Demands Suspension Of Tamiflu Patent So Vaccine Can Be Mass-Produced, Dramatically Increasing Supply Tamiflu, the Only Effective Treatment of Bird Flu in… Continue Reading

CPTech Letter to USTR Portman Regarding US Position on WTO Opt-Out of Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: 14 October 2005 Honorable Rob Portman United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20508 Dear Ambassador Portman: We are writing to ask that the United States government address a mistake in trade policy that… Continue Reading

2005: Letter of 162 experts asking World Health Organization to evaluate a proposed treaty framework for medical research and development.

The attached is a February 24, 2005 letter signed by 162 experts, asking the World Health Organization to Evaluate New Treaty Framework for Medical Research and Development The proposal for a Medical R&D Treaty (MRDT) was designed as an alternative… Continue Reading