Implementing TRIPS safeguards with particular attention to administrative models for compulsory licensing of patents

Implementing TRIPS safeguards with particular attention to administrative models for compulsory licensing of patents WHO meeting in Harare, ZimbabweAugust 21, 2001(with additional references to November Doha declaration) James LoveConsumer Project on Technology I. Introduction. TRIPS obligations raise broad public health… Continue Reading

July 6, 2001 letter from DHHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson letter to Ralph Nader Regarding WHO rights to use inventions funded by the NIH

July 6, 2001 Mr. Ralph Nader P.O. Box 19312 Washington, D.C. 20036 Dear Mr. Nader: I am writing in response to the letter from you and your colleagues requesting that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) grant the… Continue Reading

March 28, 2001 letter from Ralph Nader, James Love and Robert Weissman to HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson, regarding WHO right to use NIH funded inventions

Ralph Nader P.O. Box 19312 Washington, DC 20036 James Love Consumer Project on Technology P.O. Box 19367 Washington, DC 20036 Robert Weissman Essential Action P.O. Box 19405 Washington, DC 20036 March 28, 2001 Secretary Tommy Thompson Department of Health and… Continue Reading

2001: Compulsory Licensing: Models For State Practice In Developing Countries, Access to Medicine and Compliance with the WTO TRIPS Accord

Compulsory Licensing: Models For State Practice In Developing Countries, Access to Medicine and Compliance with the WTO TRIPS Accord Prepared for the United Nations Development Programme January 21, 2001 James Love Consumer Project on Technology Introduction.1 This note addresses… Continue Reading

October 21, 1999 letter from Dr. Varmus rejecting “standardized transfer of manufacturing and distribution rights to the WHO or any other nonprofit organization”

On September 3, 1999, Ralph Nader, James Love and Robert Weisman wrote to Dr. Harold Varmus, then the Director of the NIH, proposing the NIH enter into an agreement with the World Health Organization (WHO), giving the WHO the right… Continue Reading

1999 Letter to NIH asking that WHO have right to use NIH funded inventions

Ralph Nader P.O. Box 19312, Washington, DC 20036 James Love Consumer Project on Technology P.O. Box 19367, Washington, DC 20036 Robert Weissman Essential Action P.O. Box 19405, Washington, DC 20036 September 3, 1999 Dr. Harold E. Varmus Building… Continue Reading