28 Organizations Ask President Obama to Support Colombian Compulsory License on Expensive Leukemia Drug

(U.S.) Andrew Goldman, KEI: andrew.goldman@keionline.org or +1 (202) 332-2670
(Colombia) Andrea Carolina Reyes Rojas, Misión Salud: subdireccion@mision-salud.org
(Colombia) Dr. Francisco Rossi, IFARMA: francisco_rossi@hotmail.com

(More on Colombia here: /colombia)

Washington, DC — Today, 28 organizations that support the advancement of public health, as well as the successful continuation of the peace process in Colombia, urged President Obama to voice U.S. support for Colombia’s right to grant a compulsory license on an expensive leukemia drug. Continue Reading


WHA 69: Colombian Minister of Health Calls on WHO to Support the Regulation of Drug Monopolies

(More on Colombia here: /colombia)

On May 24, 2016, Colombia’s Minister of Health, Alejandro Gaviria, made an intervention at the World Health Assembly that referred to the pressure Colombia has been facing with regard to the potential compulsory license for imatinib and called for the WHO to support members to ensure sustainable development through the regulation of pharmaceutical monopolies and promoting competition, transparency, and the rational use of drugs.
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