Is the WIPO Treaty for Broadcasters Moving Forward at SCCR 27?

The WIPO treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organization: The Way Forward?

On day 2 of Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) 27, it looks as if the US delegation was showing the SCCR delegates a “way forward” for a new treaty for broadcasting organizations. It seemed as if US diplomacy was working efficiently and the US proposal was gathering support. However, while the US proposal was indeed gathering support, public interest groups and copyright owners also became more vocal in their opposition to the proposal on the table.

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SCCR27: Asia Pacific Group outlines its position on the broadcast treaty and copyright L&Es

The Republic of Korea delivered the following statement outlining the position of the Asia Pacific Group (a large and diverse group of Member States including but not limited to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Singapore).

Asia Pacific Group Statement for SCCR 27- final

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Good morning dear colleagues.

Mr. Chairman,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Asia Pacific group.

Mr. Chairman,

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KEI comment on ViiV license to Medicines Patent Pool for HIV drug dolutegravir (DTG)

On April 1, 2014, ViiV, a consortium of Pfizer and GSK, and the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP), announced two new licensing agreements that expand generic competition for dolutegravir (DTG), and integrase inhibitor used for the treatment of adult and pediatric HIV infection. (MPP press release here.) Dolutegravir is a new drug, approved for marketing by the US FDA on August 12, 2013. Continue Reading


KEI Comments regarding USTR Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee

Comments of KEI, regarding USTR Request For Comments From The Public On The Creation Of The Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee And Request For Nominees To That Committee.

Submitted to on March 25, 2014, under docket number USTR-2014-0005.

Intellectual property issues are an important element of US trade agreements, and according to a recent study by Open Secrets, the most intensively lobbied issue, by far.

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Discussion on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization at US Copyright Office, March 10-11, 2014

The US Copyright Office held a two day roundtable event on the topic, “Orphan Works and Mass Digitization.” The two days were split into ten sessions, with extensive panels convened for each roundtable discussion. The meetings were held in the Montpelier Room at the Madison building of the Library of Congress, with the exception of the afternoon panels on the second day, which was held downstairs in the hearing room of the Copyright Office. Continue Reading

Resurrecting the Ghost of Høsbjør Past: Global Fund seeks to establish global framework on tiered pricing enforced by WTO rules

Informed sources have revealed that Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, is the brains behind an initiative to create global framework for the tiered pricing or in the Global Fund’s own words, “Equitable Access to Essential Medicines and Vaccines: Developing a Framework for Success”, enforced by the rules of the World Trade Organization. KEI has obtained this internal concept note prepared by the Global Fund which we understand is a work in progress.

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What’s in a name? Geographical indications stir the pot at WIPO trademark committee

Protection for geographical indications is an issue that divides the generally united front that Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand and the United States maintain at WIPO and WTO negotiations on setting rules for the enforcement of patents, copyright, trademarks and industrial designs. In a 12 March 2014 piece, Europe wants its Parmesan back, seeks name change, the Associated Press reported that,

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KEI’s comments on Special 301, March 7, 2014

KEI’s Additional Comments Special 301

March 7, 2014

James Love, Knowledge Ecology International

Docket # USTR-2013-0040

These comments supplement KEI’s February 7, 2014 written submission (Also available here:, and /node/1927), and our February 24, 2014 oral testimony, and provide also comment or reply to the written or oral submissions by others.

1. India is an important source of affordable medicines.

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KEI Comments on the IIPA oral and written submission to 2014 Special 301 regarding education and research

Manon Ress, Knowledge Ecology International, Comments on the IIPA oral and written submission to 2014 Special 301

March 7, 2014

Docket ID: USTR-2013-0040

In 2014, the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) submission for the Special 301 failed to propose constructive policies by the USTR regarding copyright, as regards to access to knowledge and copyright related issues, in the context of education or research.

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WTO TRIPS Council (February 2014) – EU intervention on the contribution of IP to facilitate the transfer of clean technologies

On Tuesday, 25 February 2014, the European Union delivered the following intervention at the WTO TRIPS Council on agenda item 11 (Contribution of Intellectual Property to Facilitate the Transfer of Environmentally Rational Technology) with a focus on the European Business and Technology Centre, India.

Intervention by the EU at the TRIPS Council of 25 February 2014
Agenda point 11 – Contribution of IP to facilitate the transfer of environmentally rational technology
European Business and Technology Centre, India

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