October 19 WIPO negotiations on copyright exceptions for disabilities

After three days, the WIPO intersessional negotiations on copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities adjourned. On July 26, 2012, the SCCR negotiating text (SCCR 24/9) was 26 pages long, with 4051 words, and included 56 brackets, and 20 alternatives. The Final document on Friday (copy here) evening was 26 pages, with 47 brackets, and 22 alternatives.

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More on the 3-step test in global copyright negotiations

This is an elaboration on the 3-step test in multilateral agreements. The 1996 WCT Copyright treaty has bad language on the 3-step test, but the WCT is not now part of the TRIPS agreement, and is only subject to dispute resolution via trade agreements outside of the WTO, like the TPPA.

If the WCT is referenced under the general provisions to the TPPA, you also get the 3-step test in the TPPA, subject, however, to the agreed upon statement regarding Article 10, which is helpful.

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Report of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights to the fiftieth session of the WIPO General Assembly

The fiftieth Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is meeting on Geneva from 1 October 2012 to 9 October 2012. Agenda item 26 is the “Report on the Work of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)” which according to the provisional agenda, is scheduled for discussion on Thursday, 4 October 2012. Continue Reading


ISP sources defend USTR proposals in TPP on copyright limitations: undermine opposition to USTR proposal

A story today by Adam Behsudi in the trade publication, Inside U.S. Trade, quotes from ISP industry sources who basically defend the USTR position, which is the worst among the TPP negotiating countries. Taken as a whole, we read the ISP positions as both weak and incredibly damaging, as they are undercutting real opposition to the USTR proposal by non-US governments in the TPP negotiations. Continue Reading
