WIPO Broadcasting Treaty – Paving the way for a right for on-demand streaming services?

In April 2019, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published a new version (SCCR/38/10) of the WIPO Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations. Currently, the proposed treaty anticipates the scope of application to include new beneficiaries such as on-demand… Continue Reading


November 26 to November 30, 2018 WIPO’s Page on the Meeting US delegation circulates a new paper on the WIPO Broadcast treaty At WIPO SCCR 37, a November 27, 2018 side event: Civil Society Views on the proposed WIPO Treaty… Continue Reading

2019: KEI Comments Submitted to USTR Special 301 Review

On Thursday February 7, 2019, KEI submitted comments and intent to testify at the hearing for the 2019 US Trade Representative’s Special 301 review process. This year’s hearing will take place on Wednesday February 27, 2019 at the Office of… Continue Reading

KEI Intent to Testify and Testimony Summary/Comments on Negotiating Objectives for a U.S.-European Union Trade Agreement (USEUTA)

DATE: December 10, 2018 Intent to Testify and Testimony Summary/Comments on Negotiating Objectives for a U.S.-European Union Trade Agreement (USEUTA) Luis Gil Abinader. Knowledge Ecology International 1621 Connecticut Avenue, Northwest, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20009. Phone number +1.202.332.2670. Federal Register… Continue Reading