KEI Comments to U.S. Copyright Office on Section 1201

On March 3, 2016, KEI filed a comment with the U.S. Copyright Office in Docket No. 2015-8, regarding 17 U.S.C. § 1201.

The comment made specific recommendations regarding changes to the rulemaking procedure, the anti-trafficking provisions, and permanent exemptions, and also suggested requiring a registration and application process, as well as payment of a fee, for the DRM/TPM seeking legal protection under the law.

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KEI comments to Copyright Office on software-enabled consumer products

Submission of Knowledge Ecology International
U.S. Copyright Office Docket No. 2015-6

This is the submission of Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) in response to the U.S. Copyright Office request for public comment on “software-enabled consumer products” (U.S. Copyright Office Docket No. 2015-6).


Knowledge Ecology International is a non-governmental organization with offices in Washington, DC, and Geneva, Switzerland, that searches for better outcomes, including new solutions, to the management of knowledge resources.

This submission covers these topics:

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Knowledge Ecology International joins amicus brief on non-copyrightability of model laws and statutes

Washington, DC — On January 11, 2016, Knowledge Ecology International joined Public Knowledge and the American Library Association in an amicus curiae brief that argued that the contents of model laws, once enacted into statute, cannot be protected by copyright. The brief was filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in the case of ASTM International v. Public.Resource.Org.

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SAVE THE DATE – 16 December 2015 – KEI workshop on a WTO Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and the copyright 3-step test

On Wednesday, 16 December 2015, at the Fourth Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest (National Law University, Delhi, India), Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) will convene a workshop entitled a “WTO Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and the Three-Step Test for Copyright and Related Rights.”

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Western or Fairy Tales? Global Copyright Policies & Info Soc VII Seminary, Curitiba Brazil

Here is my presentation at the VII Seminary Internacional Sobre Sociedade Da Informacao E Propriedade intelectual organized by Professor Marcos Wachowicz, Universidade Do Parana and Professor Jose Augusto Fontoura Costa, Universidade De Sao Paulo. Participants –all experts in copyrights– were from Spain, Portugal and Brazil and the discussions were lively and informative. Great copyright event in Curitiba, Brazil. Continue Reading
