Copyright exceptions for libraries: Principles or International Framework? Day 4 sccr28

SCCR 28 July 3, 2014 day 4 Plenary. 10am to 1pm
After 3 days of discussions on the broadcasters’ needs and wants, today, the Committee started to discuss “objective & principles” for exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives with a presentation by the delegation of the United States.

The first topic was national exceptions followed by research and human development (next blog). This afternoon the 3rd point will be exceptions and limitations in a digital environment.

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SCCR28: Chile’s opening statement on copyright limitations and exceptions

2 July 2014
On day 3 of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), Chile delivered the following opening statement on copyright exceptions and limitations

Intervención general

Sr Presidente, nos alegra verlo presidir este comité y agradecemos a la secretaría por la labor realizada para llevar a cabo esta reunión.

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SCCR28: Opening statement of the United States on copyright limitations and exceptions

2 July 2014

On day 3 of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR28), the United States of America delivered the following opening statement on copyright exceptions and limitations.



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SCCR27: Asia Pacific Group outlines its position on the broadcast treaty and copyright L&Es

The Republic of Korea delivered the following statement outlining the position of the Asia Pacific Group (a large and diverse group of Member States including but not limited to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Singapore).

Asia Pacific Group Statement for SCCR 27- final

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Good morning dear colleagues.

Mr. Chairman,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Asia Pacific group.

Mr. Chairman,

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Discussion on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization at US Copyright Office, March 10-11, 2014

The US Copyright Office held a two day roundtable event on the topic, “Orphan Works and Mass Digitization.” The two days were split into ten sessions, with extensive panels convened for each roundtable discussion. The meetings were held in the Montpelier Room at the Madison building of the Library of Congress, with the exception of the afternoon panels on the second day, which was held downstairs in the hearing room of the Copyright Office. Continue Reading

29 Organizations and More than 70 Individuals Sign Letter Opposing Life Plus Seventy Year Copyright Term in TPP

29 organizations and more than 70 individuals signed on to the final letter opposing copyright terms of life plus seventy years in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). A PDF version of the final letter is attached below. An earlier version of the letter with a substantial number of signatures was sent to all lead IP negotiators and all chief negotiators in the TPP on Friday, 6 December 2013, in advance of the TPP ministerial.

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