James Love

Contacting James Love Work phone: +1.202.332.2670 | Mobile Phone +1.202.361.3040 | Email: james.love@keionline.org Twitter: @jamie_love Fediverse: @jameslove@hackyderm.io (Give my office a call or give me another nudge if you have difficulty getting a response. I am overwhelmed at times by… Continue Reading

KEI Board of Directors

Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Chair Sakiko Fukuda-Parr is a Professor of International Affairs at The New School, New York. A development economist, her current work focuses on global policies for human development and human rights in diverse areas including poverty reduction, conflict… Continue Reading

NIH response to KEI request for NIH policy on on the licensing of federally-funded CRISPR patented inventions.

On June 6, 2017, KEI wrote to Dr. Thomas Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), and Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) requesting the HHS develop a policy on the licensing of federally-funded CRISPR patented inventions. A copy of our letter is available here: /node/2801.

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WTO TRIPS Council: Brazil, China, Fiji, India, and South Africa table agenda item on IP and the Public Interest

On 31 May 2017, the delegations of Brazil, China, Fiji, India, and South Africa tabled a paper to the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) TRIPS Council entitled “Intellectual Property and the Public Interest.” In their communication (IP/C/W/630), the proponents called for a series of discussions at the WTO TRIPS Council on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest. Brazil, China, Fiji, India, and South Africa proposed compulsory licensing as the first theme of IP and the Public Interest discussions at the TRIPS Council meeting in June 2017.

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SCCR 34 NGOs on Limitations and Exceptions for libraries and archives

May 3, 2017 AM Session. SCCR 34 Limitations and Exceptions for libraries and archives

NGOs statements

IFLA presented its proposal for future work:

  • a draft model law
  • an updated searchable database of exceptions and limitations for libraries, archives and museums
  • a study on issues related to limitations and exceptions for libraries, archives and museums and a cross-border context including digital uses.

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Chair: Brazil, you still have the floor.
>> BRAZIL: Thank you, Chair.
Regarding a very quick follow-up to your question regarding — as I mentioned, the proposal was presented and supported in 201 and 204 of the draft report and we understand it should be also reflected. We understand that this could be also a bridge of positions getting comfort to many Delegations that have concerns on this matter. These are the details that you have requested. Thank you, Chair.
>> CHAIR: Thank you for that.
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SCCR 32 Day 4 Africa Group Statement regarding support for L&E for education, research and people with other disabilities

nigeria-x1024.jpgOn the last day of the SCCR 32, the group statements on the topic of education, teaching, research and people with other disabilities are not surprising. Group B and CEBS do not want to engage in normative work. Grulac and the Africa Group are eloquent and remind all of us that development depends on education and knowledge. The Africa Group is also requesting the Chair provide a chart of the issues to be duscussed as well as regional meetings on the topic.

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