KEI notes on USPTO roundtable on genetic diagnostic testing

On Thursday, 10 January 2013, USPTO held a roundtable on genetic diagnostic testing. This roundtable followed up on the public hearing hosted by USPTO nearly a year ago (and the written comments submitted). The purpose of the public hearings last year was so that USPTO could gather information and viewpoints in advance of the report it was directed to write at the behest of Congress in the America Invents Act. Continue Reading


USTR holds NGO briefing on TPP negotiations

Today, January 10, 2013, USTR held a remarkably uninformative briefing on the negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement for non-industry NGOs. Barbara Weisel (below center), the chief USTR negotiator for the TPP, led the briefing, accompanied by two persons from the public engagement offices.

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Data on Chinese patent applications and grants suggests growing gap between political rhetoric and current realities

The GOP platform mentions China 15 times, including these passages:

Our serious trade disputes, especially China’s failure to enforce international standards for the protection of intellectual property and copyrights, as well as its manipulation of its currency, call for a firm response from a new Republican Administration. . .

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Birch Bayh’s competing interests and evolving views

The 1980 Bayh-Dole Act is named after two former US Senators, Birch Bayh and Bob Dole. In 2002 both claimed the Bayh-Dole Act march-in provisions were not intended to address cases where prices for inventions are unreasonable, and Senator Bayh repeated this view during a 2004 march-in case involving Abbott patents on ritonavir.

Among the provisions of the Act that suggest otherwise are the following:

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Posner’s dismissals of the patent infringement suits in Apple versus Motorola cites eBay and compulsory licensing

Judge Posner On 22 June 2012, Judge Richard Posner, dismissed with prejudice the patent infringement suits filed in Apple Inc. and NEXT Software, Inc. v Motorola, Inc. and Motorola Mobility, Inc. in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois (Eastern Division). In this case, the judge cited the eBay decision noting that neither party was entitled to injunctive relief as neither party demonstrated that “damages would not be an adequate remedy”. Continue Reading


The European Orphan Works Directive: a missed opportunity?

Earlier this month, the European Parliament and the European Commission released a new compromise text on orphan works.

The Compromise Text is available here:

KEI sees the text as a step backwards for access to knowledge. The proposed directive makes far too many compromises, is too limited in terms of the beneficiaries and uses of works, and creates complicated, burdensome and costly procedures and record keeping requirements.

Background on earlier EU consultations

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KEI Statement on India’s granting of compulsory license to patents on cancer drug sorafenib (NATCO Vs. BAYER)

The India Controller General Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks has just (March 12, 2012) issued an order granting a compulsory license to patents on the cancer drug sorafenib/Nexavar, in the matter of NATCO Vs. BAYER. A copy of the decision is attached below.

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