Money speaks: USTR releases letters from Congress backing PhRMA on exclusive rights biologic test data in TPP

As part of a partial response to FOIA request, USTR has provided KEI with copies of 13 letters sent by members of Congress, from July 27, 2011 to August 8, 2013, on the topic of biologic drug test data provisions in the TPP negotiation. We had obtained several but not all of these letters earlier from a variety of sources, including from PhRMA’s web page — where some had been proudly displayed. (See link below).

Were there letters on the other side? Yes, three. (see below).

With the FOIA request, we have also obtained the responses to the letters.

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EU’s TTIP Anti-Transparency Rules laid out in DG-Trade letter to USTR

Previously, KEI reported on the terms of reference (TOR) for the confidentiality of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiating texts, as laid out in a letter by USTR to DG-Trade. Although evidently publicly available, the EU counterpart of that letter was not accessible through the FOIA process. Obtained through the EU Regulation (EC) No. Continue Reading

TTIP: Anti-Transparency Rules laid out in USTR letter to DG-Trade

KEI has obtained the terms of reference (TOR) for the confidentiality of the negotiating texts of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Agreement. The TOR are laid out in a two-page letter from US Chief Negotiator Dan Mullaney to EU Chief Negotiator Ignacio Garcia-Bercero which is available here. The letter was obtained through a FOIA request filed by KEI with the USTR on May 19, 2014.

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WTO TRIPS Council (June 2014): USTR submission on Non-Violation Complaints Under the TRIPS Agreement

On 10 June 2014, the United States tabled a paper (IP/C/W/599) to the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) TRIPS Council on “Non-Violation Complaints Under the TRIPS Agreement.” This paper is expected to be discussed at the TRIPS Council today (11 June 2014) under agenda item 7 on “Non-Violation and Situation Complaints.”

As previously mentioned in our February 2014 piece,

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32 Members of US House of Representatives ask USTR to sanction Canada for not granting patents on drugs

The attached letter, dated April 10, 2014 and signed by a bipartisan group of 32 members of the House of Representatives, asks USTR to elevate Canada to the Special 301 “priority watch list,” for “violation of their international obligations” for not granting enough patents on “innovative medicines.” According to the members of Congress signing the letter, Canada is in violation of its WTO TRIPS obligations. Continue Reading


KEI Comments regarding USTR Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee

Comments of KEI, regarding USTR Request For Comments From The Public On The Creation Of The Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee And Request For Nominees To That Committee.

Submitted to on March 25, 2014, under docket number USTR-2014-0005.

Intellectual property issues are an important element of US trade agreements, and according to a recent study by Open Secrets, the most intensively lobbied issue, by far.

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Revised agenda for Feb 24 USTR Special 301 hearing

Here is the REVISED agenda for the Special 301 hearing on February 24. Public Citizen has been added to the list of witnesses, and USTR now lists the names of the speakers for the various trade associations. Unlike recent years, the level of participation by major trade organizations is significant.

February 24, 2014 – 10:00 a.m.

Office of the United States Trade Representative
1724 F Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20508

The Special 301 Hearing is open to the public. Members of the press are welcome to attend.
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