KEI Letter to Thailand Prime Minister and Health Minister, regarding compulsory licensing decisions

His Excellency Mr. Samak Sundaravej Prime Minister Government House Nakornpratom Rd. Dusit, Bangkok Thailand 10300 His Excellency Mr. Chaiya Sasomsap Minister of Public Health Tiwanont Rd. Talad Kwan District Nontaburi Province 11000 Thailand March 4, 2008 Re: Thailand Compulsory Licenses… Continue Reading

Profile of open standards ramped up at Rio IGF

At the first Internet Governance Forum launched in Athens in the winter of 2006, the prevailing perception of open standards was that of an arcane, technical subject confined to obscure standard setting organizations staffed by computer scientists, engineers and technologists. It is perhaps testament to the efforts of the Dynamic Coalition of Open Standards (DCOS), created in Athens in 2006 that open standards has come to the fore of the 2nd Internet Governance Forum in Rio de Janeiro.

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