Tom Giovanetti on the R&D Treaty, and political science

Tom Giovanetti kindly sent me a link to his latest NGO bashing. This one titled: “IP skeptic NGOs as Marxists.” This is his attempt to label the various public health groups as Marxists, and his brief attempt to understand or describe a February 2005 proposal for one possible approach R&D Treaty.

First, I have told Tom Giovanetti several times that while his hysterical red baiting is amusing at times, it is also sometimes offensive and boring.

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Former WIPO employee (now with PhRMA) moonlights as BIO bouncer

Richard Kjeldgaard, a former Senior Counsellor in the Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Division of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and now employed by the U.S. based Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) performed his role as “bouncer” admirably today at a luncheon organized by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.

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WIPO General Assembly 2007 document: Brief note on allegations against the Organization and its Director General

The outgoing General Assembly Chair, Enrique Manalo (Ambassador, Philippines) commenced the 43th session of the WIPO General Assembly at 10:23 AM (Central European Time). Ambassador Manalo highlighted the success of Development Agenda negotiations as a hallmark of his tenure as Chair over the course of 2 years.

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Knowledge Ecology International – India

Monday, 06 August 2007


Patent application for atazanavir denied:

August 16, 2007. Indian Patent Office rejects application for patent foratazanavir. Click here for the notice.  

Novartis challenges Patent Act: 

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