2009: PAHO dispute over standards for transparency of economic data for pharmaceutical industry

Today the executive board of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is considering a proposal to have more transparency of the economics of the pharmaceutical industry. (I have separately blogged about this on the Huffpo). Specifically, an amendment offered to a PAHO EB resolution on research, proposed the following:

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Views of Civil Society on USTR Review of Trade-Related Transparency Policies

As mentioned in an earlier KEI blog, on Thursday, March 19, a group of public interest groups met with the Obama administration’s trade officials. As a result of this meeting, USTR has promised to review its policies on transparency and invited groups to submit concrete proposals for evaluation. Further, these proposals are to be discussed as part of the review process in a follow up meeting next month.

Proposed areas of discussion include:

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Impact of the HIF on generic industry in developing countries

This is an exchange from the ip-health list, that will be updated as the conversation continues, about the impact of the HIF on the generic drug industry developing countries.

—– Original Message —–
From: “James Love”
To: “Ip-health”

Cc: “Thomas Pogge” “Aidan Hollis”
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 2:15 PM
Subject: impact of the HIF on generic industry in developing countries

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Notes on a panel discussion on IP and free trade with government and industry representatives

A Panel Discussion on Policy Approaches to Intellectual Property Enforcement and the Impact on Trade Agreements

Organized by the Property Rights Alliance, this event was hosted by the Intellectual Property Caucus and sponsored by Rep. Tom Feeney.

Date: 12:00-1:30pm October 4, 2007
Venue: Rayburn House Office Building, Washington DC

Attendance: Congressional staff, industry representatives, other interested parties.

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