CPTech Letter to USTR Portman Regarding US Position on WTO Opt-Out of Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: http://www.cptech.org/ip/birdflu/ustr-birdflu.html 14 October 2005 Honorable Rob Portman United States Trade Representative 600 17th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20508 Dear Ambassador Portman: We are writing to ask that the United States government address a mistake in trade policy that… Continue Reading

USTR Zoellick Letter to TACD IP Group Regarding WTO Compulsory Licensing Mechanism

Original page: http://www.cptech.org/ip/wto/p6/zoellick02102003.doc RECEIVED 24 FEB 2003 Executive Office of the President The United States Trade Representative Washington, DC 20508 February 10, 2003 Mr. James Love Co-Chair TACD IP-workinggroup TACD Secretariat 24 Highbury Crescent UK-London N5 1RXDear Mr. Love, Thank… Continue Reading


30 April 1997 USTR REPORT ON SPECIAL 301 ANNUAL REVIEW FACT SHEET “SPECIAL 301” ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ACTIONS TAKEN Acting United States Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky today announced the Administration’s decision with respect to this year’s review under the… Continue Reading

PAF v AbbVie excessive pricing case the Netherlands

On 14 May 2024, the Pharmaceutical Accountability Foundation (PAF) had their first hearing in their case against Abbvie at the Amsterdam District Court. The case concerns Abbvie’s pricing practices for its blockbuster drug Humira (adalimumab), one of the world’s best-selling… Continue Reading

WHA 77 – Constituency statement of Knowledge Ecology International, Health Action International, Oxfam, World Blind, Union and World Council of Churches – WHO Pandemic Accord

On Tuesday, 28 May 2024, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) delivered this constituency statement on behalf of KEI, Health Action International, Oxfam, World Blind Union, and the World Council of Churches on the following topic: Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft and… Continue Reading