Research Mandates

KEI Research Note: 2020-4: The current and potential role of biomedical research mandates 2020 The current and potential role of biomedical research mandates. Progress in biomedical research depends upon funding. This funding comes from a variety of public sector, non-profit… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council (July 2020): The European Union’s position on the interface of IP and health technologies in the COVID-19 response

On 30 July 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO) convened a formal meeting of the TRIPS Council. The TRIPS Council held discussions on two COVID-19 related topics: agenda item 3 on IP Measures in the Context of COVID-19 and agenda… Continue Reading

Joint letter to Dr. Fauci at NIAID, regarding the geographic scope of RNAceuticals HIV patent license, asks that exclusivity not extend to countries with low and moderate incomes

Below is a letter from several individuals and groups, asking that NIAID not grant exclusive rights in a HIV patent license for South Africa, India and other low income countries. (PDF version here) The license is to RNAceuticals, a firm… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council (July 2020): South Africa’s submission on IP and the Public Interest – Beyond Access to Medicines and Medical Technologies towards a more Holistic Approach to TRIPS Flexibilities

On Friday, 17 July 2020, South Africa submitted a paper to the World Trade Organization (WTO) TRIPS Council entitled, Intellectual Property and the Public Interest: Beyond Access to Medicines and Medical Technologies Towards a More Holistic Approach To TRIPS Flexibilities.… Continue Reading

KEI receives seven new contracts for COVID 19 research from BARDA and DOD, including five using “Other Transactions Authority” that weaken or eliminate Bayh-Dole and FAR Safeguards

KEI has a number of outstanding requests under the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for contracts related to biomedical innovations to control or treat the COVID-19 pandemic. On Thursday, June 25, and Friday, June 26, we received a… Continue Reading

WTO TRIPS Council (informal): South Africa’s interventions on COVID-19, TRIPS flexibilities, and domestic manufacturing capacity

On Friday, 19 June 2020, the World Trade Organization (WTO) convened an informal virtual Open-ended Meeting of the TRIPS Council. . The following statements were delivered by South Africa at the virtual open-ended informal meeting of the TRIPS Council. In… Continue Reading