KEI and Public Citizen letter to Congress regarding Costa Rica proposal for WHO COVID-19 pool of rights in technology and data

The following is a letter that KEI and Public Citizen sent to Congressional leadership on March 26, 2020, supporting the proposal by the President of Costa Rica to the World Health Organization to create a pool for rights in technology… Continue Reading

Open letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Member States on the proposal by Costa Rica to create a global pool for rights in the data, knowledge and technologies useful in the prevention, detection and treatment of the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic

March 27, 2020. We are writing to ask the WHO and its Member States to support the proposal by Costa Rica for the creation of a global pooling mechanism for rights in the data, knowledge and technologies useful in the… Continue Reading

President and Minister of Health of Costa Rica ask WHO to create global pool for rights in COVID-19 related technologies

(KEI blogs and other work on COVID-19 are here: A letter from Costa Rica, signed by Carlos Alarado Quesada, the President, and Dr. Daniel Salas Peraza, the Minister of Health, to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, was sent this evening… Continue Reading

Resolution to require the National Government to establish compulsory licenses and other measures to guarantee free and affordable access to pharmaceutical products and medical technologies in the Declaration of Sanitary Emergency due to the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and other variations, as well as biosafety protocols and instruments for health personnel, postgraduates and students of the Public Health System.

Resolution to require the National Government to establish compulsory licenses and other measures to guarantee free and affordable access to pharmaceutical products and medical technologies in the Declaration of Sanitary Emergency due to the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) and other variations,… Continue Reading

KEI Blogs and Reseach notes on COVID-19/Coronavirus

COVID-19 Gov’t Contracts: KEI has obtained numerous contracts between the federal government and pharmaceutical companies regarding COVID-19 medical technologies via the Freedom of Information act. For these and other contracts, please see: COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturing: KEI has gathered data… Continue Reading

Chilean Chamber of Deputies approves resolution for compulsory licenses for patents relating to the coronavirus virus

For more on KEI’s work on COVID-19, see Today, with an overwhelming 127 votes in favor and 0 votes against, the Chilean Chamber of Deputies approved a strong resolution asking the Chilean Government to declare that there is justification… Continue Reading

Three areas in Section 202 of the Bayh-Dole Act that require action to ensure sufficient rights in patents on coronavirus relevant inventions

For more on KEI’s work on COVID-19, see As the US and other governments begin to expend large amounts of money on research and development related to the control, prevention and treatment of the coronavirus pandemic, there are important… Continue Reading

WIPO’s Coordination Committee nominates Daren Tang of Singapore for the Post of Director General

Updated between 11 March 2020 to 18 March 2020 to include reactions from stakeholders on the nomination of Daren Tang (Singapore) as Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Brook K. Baker, Senior Policy Analyst Health GAP (Global… Continue Reading


Berne Convention revisions, and the evolution of its limitations and exceptions to copyright, includes a discussion of the quotation right issues addressed also by Ricketson. WIPO Studies and Reports The sections of SCCR9/7, the April 5, 2003 study on copyright… Continue Reading