Bayh-Dole Act, US Manufacturing Waivers

University of Oklahoma request for U.S. Manufacturing Waiver for rHA, on the grounds that labor costs would be cheaper in China, and in subject revisions, also in Bulgaria. r_Part1_p0012-21.pdf r_r_r_1524003-01-0013_FOIA_Pratt.pdf r_r_r_UniversityofOklahomaEIR1524003-01-0018-p0009-p0052-3ms.pdf r_r_UniversityofOklahomaEIR1524003-01-0014Part1-p0002-p0010.pdf r_r_UniversityofOklahomaEIR1524003-01-0018-p0001-p0007.pdf r_r_US-Manufacturing-Waiver-1524003-01-0013-4-8-10.pdf 2011, May 5. HHS Approval of… Continue Reading

Senti Bio License for Development and Commercialization of Next Generation Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) Therapies for the Treatment of FMS-Like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) Expressing Cancers

On April 19, 2019, HealthGap, Knowledge Ecology International, Public Citizen, Social Security Works and the Union for Affordable Cancer Treatment filed comments on a proposed license on National Cancer Institute patented inventions to Senti Bio, for a next generation CAR… Continue Reading

UNDP, Unitaid, and WHO caught in Big Pharma’s crosshairs

PhRMA’s Special 301 submissions are part of a yearly ritual to shape the “Special 301” Report, an annual review of the global state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement, conducted by the Office of the United States Trade… Continue Reading